Soeur Louise is written from the perspective of Louise who is one of Louis XIVs mistresses until she gave up her life to be a nun, strict catholic movement as she became a Carmelite nun
"I have desired, and I have been desired" past tense and immediately establishes a longing tone
"Now dust and dying embers mock my fire" remnants of pastrelationship mock her current one with God
"Hire for which my life was hired" life feels like it has no purpose as her attraction has dwindled
"memory a bottomless gulf of mire" when she was in the relationship her desire was endless but impossible to fill but she regrets not having children
"Rose of life gone all to prickles" life is hurting her and people around her
"Garden plot to barren mire" her desire stopped her from reaching her full potential and now her life is empty as it once was colourful
"Oh vanity of vanities, desire" desire is vain and self-centred, lack of progression in life shows she is dissatisfied
What themes does Soeur Louise link to?
The female experience is desirable if young and beautiful, link to Nora treated similarly as something Helmer can negotiate with as settlement for her father's discrepancies
The value of women by her fertility in comparison to value of man, ties women to home and their children shown in Soeur Louise
A05: Naomi Wolf's beauty myth "As women released themselves from the femininemystique of domesticity, the beauty myth took over its lost ground"
A05: Naomi Wolf's beauty myth "As women released themselves from the femininemystique of domesticity, the beauty myth took over its lost ground"
A03: Rosetti's mental health presented her as an outsider as she suffered from depression