Evaluation of Marxist & Strain Theories Explanations of Corporate Crime
- both Marxism and Strain theories over-predict the occurrence of corporate crime
- (Nelken, 2012) its unrealistic to assume that all businesses would offend were it not for the risk of punishment
- e.g. maintaining the goodwill of other companies that they must do business with may also prevent them resorting to crime
- doesn't explain crime in non-profit making state agencies such as the police, army or civil service
Evaluation of Explanations of Corporate Crime
- law abiding may also be more profitable than law breaking
- (Braithwaite, 1984) US pharmaceutical companies that complied with Federal Drug Admissions regulation were able to obtain licenses which gave them access to to lucrative markets in poorer countries
- these countries couldn't afford their own drug-testing facilities so relied on the FDA's licensing procedures to guarantee quality