States how much an employee can expect to earn in retirement based on a formula that takes into account years of services & highest salary; the company guarantees the benefit based on this formula.
Defined Contribution Pension Plan
A defined contribution plan states how much a person will pay into their pension account (often matched to some degree by the company); this plan defines the contribution but doesnotguarantee the outcome, the outcome in retirement will depend on how well the employee'sinvestments do over time.
Two major challenges for expanding leisure activity in later life
Getting older people motivated & interested in activities
Having caregivers be involved & supportive of activities
What influences the selection & level of participation in leisure activities?
Region's weather
Social & cultural values
Reduced social skills (use on social isolation)
Health Benefits of volunteering for older adults
Reduce depression
Improve physical function
Social connectedness
Increased self-esteem
Barriers to volunteering in later life
Time constraints & Health Issues & Physical functioning
Financial constraints
Information & opportunity
Inadequate volunteer management
What is needed to reduce barriers to older adult's leisure & social participation?
Structural level (policy levels) need to keep responding
Provide a wide range of leisure options to accommodate diverse conditions of health, SES, preferences
Individual level need to reduce psychological barriers so identity matches the framework of the environment
Provides easy access to let people stay in their homes as they age
Home Adaptations for Seniors' Independence (HASI)
For building modifications to address physical needs & barriers
8 domains of age friendly communities
Outdoor spaces & buildings
Social participation
Respect & social inclusion
Civic participation
Communication & information
Community support & health services
Alternative Transportation Programs
Public Transportation
Transportation Brokerage
Mobility Club
Dial-a-ride Vans
Accessible taxi services (Uber)
Social support
The help and assistance we give to and receive from others (= Reciprocal Exchange)
3 models of social support
Task Specificity Model
Hierarchical Compensatory Model
Functional specificity of Relationships model
Convoy model of support
People have a dynamic network of close ties around the individual, with the closest ties in the closest circle
Support given by older people
Financial & material support
Help with daily chores
Emotional support
Challenges related to elder abuse
Currently mandatory reporting laws differ for each province
Legal means of addressing abuse often has negative consequences
Inadequate support (family, justice system)
Views of abuse depends on culture
Lack of knowledge by older persons about where to seek assistance in case of domestic abuse
Interventions for Elder Abuse
Empower older people
Professionals need more education
More research
Social media (advocacy, increase awareness)
General trend of death & dying in older age
Soften from acute illness to chronic illness, often a slow decline with intense crises at the end, can include pain, loss of functions, discomfort
What older people worry about at the end of life
Avoiding prolongations of dying
Receiving adequate pain relief
Having control of treatment options
Staying in touch of loved ones
Relieving burden to family
As of 2023, more people are receiving some form of Palliative care, more people are at home to palliative support, but there are greater barriers for those non-seniors, living in ruralarea,dementia, homelessness,First Nations.
Theory of dying process
"Good" death vs. "Bad" death
Depends on a person's POV, "Good" death - lack of pain, quick, surrounded by lovedones, sense of dignity,control, & preparedness, "Bad" death - slow,painful, or quick & unexpected, dependent on age, process of dying, circumstances,readiness
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)
Providing the patient of the means to end their own life (e.g. prescribe fatal dose of meds)
Directly administering an agent to the end of a patient's life
Why is MAID controversial?
PRO-MAID: a compassionate act, choice of active euthanasia as a right to modern society (right to death), CON-MAID: It's legalizedmurder, potential for murder of those judged to be mentally/physically incapable