Steps of the Nursing Process
1. Assessment: Collect & Record all information needed to be able to predict, detect, prevent, manage, or eliminate health problems, Clarify expected outcomes, Develop a comprehensive plan
2. Diagnosis: Analyze assessment data, draw conclusions, and determine actual and potential health problems and their cause(s), Presence of risk factors, Resources, strengths, use of healthy behaviors, Health states that are satisfactory but could be improved
3. Planning: Clarify expected outcomes, set priorities, and determine interventions to detect, prevent, and manage health problems and risk factors, promote optimum function, independence, and sense of well-being, achieve the expected outcomes safely and efficiently
4. Implementation: Put the plan into action by assessing appropriateness of (and readiness for) interventions, Performing interventions, then reassessing to determine initial responses, Making immediate changes as needed, Charting to monitor progress
5. Evaluation: Assess the patient to decide whether expected outcomes have been met, Then decide whether to discharge the patient or modify the plan as appropriate, and plan for ongoing continuous assessment and improvement