The systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained
A systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject
Scientific Revolution
1440 — 1690 AD
Universe Model (by Nicolaus Copernicus)
Describes the sun as the center of the universe, and that the earth and other planets revolve around it in circles. The distance from the sun determines the arrangement of planets and stars: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Stars.
Nicolaus Copernicus was born in Thorn (now Torun), Poland
February 19, 1473
Law of Planetary Motion (by Johannes Kepler)
All planets revolve around the sun in elliptical, not circular, orbits; and that closer planets to the sun move faster than the others.
Elliptical orbit
An oval-shaped path, like a slightly elongated circle. This is due to the gravitational interactions among the Sun, planets, and other celestial bodies.
Knowledge of any kind
Work of Motion (by Galileo Galilei)
1. Definition of concepts
2. Expression of the relationship of concepts
3. Giving precise hypothesis
4. Deduction of consequences from hypothesis
5. Experimentation to test the consequences
6. Analysis in terms of abstract and ideal situation
1st Law of Motion (Law of Inertia)
An object at rest will remain at rest and moving object will remain moving with the same speed and direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
2nd Law of Motion
Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass.
3rd Law of Motion
For every action, there is an equal and an opposite reaction.
Industrial Revolution
1750 -1895 AD
Coal, Iron, and Steel
Use of coke for iron smelting
Blast furnace
Puddling furnace
Manufacturing cylinder methods
Open-hearth process
The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry
Electric telegraph
Gas lighting
Bunsen burner
Electric light
Seed drill
Marling practice
Stock breeding
During the 18th to 19th Century, the connection between science and technology was very minimal. This gradually shifted to developmental stage during the 19th century when science, technology and industry united at a common ground and cause.
During the 20th century, science and technology had structurally and methodologically changed. A number of scientific theories were introduced and had influenced technological works in this century.
Important inventions based on scientific theories in the 20th century
biogas; biosensor; DNA fingerprinting; gene Cloning; synthetic skin
AM radio; cellular phone; communication satellite; fiber optics
army tank; atomic bomb; neutron bomb; tear gas
biogas; neon light; nuclear fusion; nuclear power plant; nuclear reactor; solar power
animated cartoon film; Betamax video system; cassette tapes; colored television; compact disc (CD) player; motion picture sound; video cassette; video disk; video game; video home system (VHS)
Artificial heart; artificial kidney; blood bank; electron microscope; fluorescence bronchoscope; hemopump; laser; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); mammography; pacemaker; scanning electron microscope; scanning electron microscope; test tube baby; ultrasound or sonography; X-ray laser
Airplane; diesel locomotive; helicopter; jet engine; jumbo jetliner; spacecraft; monoplane and seaplane; space shuttle; supersonic aircraft
Science and technology
Integral part in human development and the society because it can put an end to ignorance, increase perception of a fact or a situation, and awaken ability to use all resources and creativity to improve the quality of life and sustainable environment
Information Age
The period of human history typically described by the change from traditional industry to an economy based on information computerization. It is coupled with the birth of personal computers and easy access to any piece of information.
Machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge
Gutenberg era
The period when information was massively distributed but expensive and established as part of an official organization.
Pre-Gutenberg World
The time when printing press was not yet around, and information could only be processed in a tedious manner, with books written and produced by hand and restricted to the elite group of people.
Gutenberg Revolution
The introduction of movable type printing by Gutenberg, which allowed information to be passed on to every individual but the access was expensive. Books printed using presses in the beginning of this era were called incunabula.
Most of the books first printed were religious texts of the medieval period. As time passed, other books were written in local language which made them available and understandable to common people. Scientific and geographic discoveries, as well as medical books with detailed illustrations, also spread at a fast rate.
Post-Gutenberg World
The era of the internet and worldwide web, which enabled the uploading and downloading of all forms of media and enabled people to publish or spread information.
People. Scientific and geographic discoveries spread at a fast rate. Then, medical books were also published. These were written with detailed illustrations of the anatomical structures of the human parts
The Gutenberg Revolution
The rise of institutionalized and mediated channels was evident during this time. The best example of this was the "media" which can pass information through to people from all walks of life. This opened the door to exceptional mass communication.
To distribute the information to a lot of listeners or viewers would a lot of money. For others, Gutenberg will remain as a man of mystery, but his unprecedented discovery the printing press has contributed a lot to the world that was way impossible with books or documents written by hand
The Post-Gutenberg World
This era can be described as the emergence of the internet and the worldwide web. This paved the way to the possible uploading and downloading of all forms of media instruments such as video, audio and images, and enabled people to publish or spread the information. Passing of information is much faster and easier
The Rise of Digital Age
With the advent of modern technologies, printing presses are not the only tools used in spreading information. Computers, cell phones, computer printers, digital cameras. etc. are now readily available to pass information from one individual to another from here to even faraway places.
The branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences
Significant breakthroughs can only be achieved through a strong science foundation
Discovered by Charles Babbage, an English mechanical engineer, and considered the "father of computers,'' computers were designed simply for computations/mathematical calculations and simple decision-making capabilities. The main-frame computers were large room-sized gadget that provide people data calculation and manipulation faster than the human brain. Personal computers also became available which every individual access to computers
The Internet
Developed in California, United States in the late 1960s, the internet was mostly used by scientists to communicate with other scientists. The two people behind the creation of the internet are Vinton Cerf and Kahn. It was a government-controlled project until 1984. The first problem encountered in using the internet, was the speed. The discovery of Fiber-optic allowed the billions of bits of information to be received every minute. Intel was one of the companies that developed faster microprocessor like i5 and i7. Using these kind of processors, signals coming from other computers were quickly processed
World Wide Web
The World Wide Web (www.) discovered by Sir Tim Berners Lee, a British computer scientist, started in the 1990s basically for commercial purposes. Home pages were made by companies, business owners or corporation in order to promote and sell their products. Eventually, other items could be purchased online. Ease in shopping can now be experienced without going out to department stores. Similarly, many online business owners can earn money through online transactions
Electronic Mail or E-mail
Several years back, it would take several days to receive a letter and it would also take a big amount of money to contact and talk to someone abroad. Communication was made easier through Electronic Mail or E-mail, the discovery of which was controversially claimed by V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, an Indian born American scientist and entrepreneur. He started building the system in 1978 when he was 14 years old. The copyright for the term E-mail was granted to him in 1982. E-mail is an avenue by which messages are exchanged between people from different locations at a faster rate