audiovisual aids are verbal messages to help audiences comprehend, appreciate, and retain information better
gestures can communicate more than your words do. To call attention to ideas and emphasize words.
rapport with the audience refers to the speakers connection with the audience
facial expression is a gesture executed with facial muscles
stage presence is the ability to command an audience with style and manner
facial expression is the most basic visual aid
modulation is achieved by changing the tone or pitch of your voice to convey various nuances when you speak
articulation is an act, process, or means of putting something into words
word choice will depend primarily on the type of audience and there are certain words that you say on specific occasions.
duration is where time is important because your speech must be long enough to fulfill your speech goals but short enough to hold your audiences attention
logical flow, if you intend to communicate your ideas clearly and effectively, you must follow a certain flow
categorial/topical helps the speaker organize the message in a consistent manner
spatialorganizes information according to how things fit together in physical space
categorial/topical -to create chunks of information that go together to help support the main idea
chronological- present your information in the order in which it happened
biographical- describe a persons life
psychological- pattern will be a leads to b and b leads to c
outlining and organizing speech context- allows you to better organize your speech therefore making it easy to comprehend and follow