Cards (6)

  • Molecules that can diffuse in or out of cells:
    • Amino acids.
    • Water.
    • Glucose.
  • Factors that affect the rate of diffusion:
    • Concentration gradient.
    • Temperature.
    • Surface area.
    • Distance to diffuse across.
  • Why does higher temperature increase rate of diffusion:
    Increased temerparature would give the particles more kinetic energy which would make them move faster.
  • Examples of exchange surfaces in humans:
    • Alevoli - allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to diffuse in and out of the body / blood stream.
    • Villi (small intestine) - allow nutrients such as glucose, amino acids, minereal ions etc to be absorved from small intestine to into the bloodstream.
  • Features exchange surfaces have in common:
    • Large surface area - lots more molecules can diffuse at the same time.
    • Surfaces are very thin - substnaces only have to diffuse across a shorter distance.
    • Surfaces are permable - substances are able to pass through the membrane.
    • Good blood supply - maintains a strong concentration gradient as blood is constantly replaced.
  • Features of alveoli, that make them good exchange surfaces:
    • Lots of alveoli - lots of molecules can diffuse across at the same time.
    • Surfaces are 1 alevolar and 1 capilary thin - Molecules have shorter diffusion pathway.
    • Surfaces are permable - oxygen and carbon dioxide can diffuse across.
    • Good air supply - Maintains a strong concentration gradient as the air in the alevoli is constantly replaced with oxygen rich air from the atmosphere.