Physical case studies

Cards (5)

  • Iceland eyjafjallajökull volcano
    • erupted march 2010
    • ash plumes went as far as Northern Italy
    • caused over 100,000 flights to be cancelled
    • was a high profile event due to the impact it had on air movement
    • imports/exports of fruit, flowers and vegetables affected
    • Europe, Kenya, Zambia and Ghana were also affected
    • Africa lost an estimated of $65 million due to the cancel of air travel
  • Tohoku tsunami
    • Magnitude 9.0 earthquake on 11th March 2011
    • 16,000 people died 4,000 went missing
    • 65% of the dead were over 60
    • Destruction of Fukushima Daiichi made the event so high profile
    • Contaminated water leaked into the pacific ocean and contaminated fishing grounds
    • Japan's high increase of demand caused an affect on the world wide availability and affordability on liquified natural gas
    • Germany and Italy had to close power plants due to loss of public acceptability
    • Economic loss of $ 300 million
  • Haiti earthquake
    • magnitude 7 on 12th January 2010
    • happened near the capital, Port au Prince
    • high levels of government corruption so buildings were poorly built, little infrastructure, lack of disaster preparation/ awareness of officials and population - vulnerable
    • the 1 airport and port were damaged - aid delivery
    • 1/4 of government killed - organising recovery
    • $ 13 billion aid donated but Haitian government has no control of it
    • in 2015, 80,000 Haitians were still living in temporary accommodation
  • Sichuan earthquake
    • magnitude 7.9 on 12th of May 2008
    • Chinese officials took bribes and buildings were made poorly and thousands of schools collapsed - 900 children died in one school
    • earthquake happened in rural, mountainous area
    • in hours, 130,000 soldiers sent to affected areas
    • in two weeks, roads and temporary homes were built
    • two years after, 95% of pledged reconstruction was finished including houses, farms and transport links
  • East great Japan earthquake
    • magnitude 9 on 11th of March 2011
    • strict building regulations and built with disaster in mind
    • low level of corruption
    • well developed disaster plan - ten metre high tsunami walls, emergency kits in homes, warning system
    • education and drills in schools and businesses eg September 1st is disaster prevention day in Japan
    • in 24 hours, 110,000 troops deployed, all TVs and radios were about earthquake management/ what to do, accepted help from 20 countries