criminology ~ physiological theories

Cards (16)

  • lombroso theory

    a possible criminal is likely to have primitive evolutionary stage of development and is shown more in facial features - conducted a study that suggested criminals have an abnormality on their skull
  • how was lombroso's data collected?

    on autopsies
  • traits of a criminal according to lombroso
    long arms, large teeth, lacking ear lobes, more body hair
  • what did lombroso argue

    criminals shouldn't be blamed for their activity as they can't control the way they look - suggesting that people turn to crime because of the way they look
  • goring theory

    tested lombroso's studies and compared approximately 2,300 london convicts with a controlled group and couldn't support lombroso and came to the conclusion that criminal activity isn't to do with appearance
  • hooton theory

    conducted a 12 year study and he argued that criminality was due to appearance through some features - sloping head, protruding ears, narrow jaw
  • sheldon theory

    certain body types are more likely to commit crimes and own different personality types - examined 4,000 photos of men
  • endomorph
    round and heavy body form often sociable and relaxed
  • mesomorph
    muscular body form and often confident, most likely to commit crime
  • ectomorph
    tall and skinny body form and often introverted and restrained, least likely to commit crime
  • a brain abnormality example
    charles whitman - in 1996 killed mother and then took a gun to a university and killed 7 people and wounded 31 others he was then killed by police
  • raine et al theory
    used PET scans to determine that criminals are more likely to have a problem with their pre-frontal cortex
  • phineas gage incident
    railroad accident, 3 foot, inch thick tampering rod impaled via cheek, left eye and into the frontal lobe, damaged pre-frontal cortex, showed no evident difference in speech or movement but his personality took a drastic change for the worse and turned aggressive
  • neurotransmitters
    are chemicals found in the brain to hep transmit messages between synapses
  • serotonin
    associated with regulating mood and behaviour
  • what was discovered about serotonin?

    low levels of serotonin means high levels of aggression - serotonin is in foods therefore foods with high levels of serotonin are often given to criminals in prison