Cultural differences in aggression - 🙁
- there is evidence to that aggressive behaviour is more common in some human cultures than in others
- Richard Nisbett (1993) found there was a north-south divide in the United States for homicide rates
- Killing is more common against white males in southern states than in northern states
- This was only true for reactive aggression triggered by arguments
- Nisbett concluded that difference in homicide rates was due to a 'culture of honour' - a response to impulsive aggression was a learned social norm
- Nisbett's later conducts a study in 1996 which supports his first hypothesis
- Found that when white males from the south who were insulted in the research situation, were more likely than northern white males to become aggressive
- Difficult for ethological theory to explain how culture can override innate influences with this view that aggression is an Instinctive behavioural charteristic