
Cards (66)

  • Aerated concrete blocks are used to build infill wall, which provides excellent insulation and reduces heat loss, regulating the temperature inside of a building.
  • Pre-stressed reinforced concrete slabs have a high load bearing capacity which means they can withstand live and dead load easily, so you won’t have to worry about it brittling.
  • Step-down Transformers is a device that reduces the voltage from a higher level to a lower level. It’s commonly used in electrical systems to provide power to devices that requires lower voltage.
  • Galvanised steel is zinc coated to prevent it from rusting as quickly as it would.
  • Steel columns can fail due to compressive forces exceeding its electrical buckling load.
  • Electric motors use electromagnetism to generate rotational force
  • Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride advantages
    They are highly and resistant to moisture which means they have a longer lifespan
  • Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride advantages?

    They are easy to clean which means they require less maintenance.
  • How is Electricity is generated at a power station to consumer?
    Electricity is generated at a power station travels through transmission lines and is distributed to consumers.
  • How can reinforced concrete foundations degrade over the lifespan?
    Foundation can degrade due to various reasons like moisture, temperature changes and the structural stress can cause cracks in the concrete.
  • How can reinforced concrete degrade over its lifespan?
    Lack of maintenance can cause the foundations to degrade overtime which can reduce its life.
  • How to reduce further decay in timber?
    You could apply a wood preservative, which would protect it from fungi and insect.
  • Describe the concept of heat conduction?
    Heat conduction is the process by which heat is transferred through direct contact between particles. When a higher energy particle comes into contact with a particle with lower energy it causes the heat to spread.
  • Tensile strength
    Maximum strength a material can bear before its breaking point
  • Compressive strength
    Capacity of concrete to withstand loads before failure
  • Shear strength
    Force acting in a direction that's parallel to a surface
  • Bending strength
    Ability of a material to be able to withstand bending
  • Brittle
    A material that can easily be snapped
  • Workability
    Different types of materials being more capable of functioning effectively
  • Stiffness
    Resistance to deformation
  • Fatigue failure

    Material or structure fails due to repeated loading
  • Creep failure
    Permanent deformation of a material under constant load
  • Buckling failure
    Material bending due to force
  • Isolation bearing- reduces vibration between a buiding foundations as ground moves ensuring stability
  • storm surgeons- reduces the impact on an object when it hits something else, reducing damage
  • storm surgeon's - are the abnormal rises of water generated by a storm, above the predicted astronomical tides.-marine damage
    -structural damage
  • Sea wall- is a structure the is built along coastlines to protect land from the erosive forces of the sea
  • disadvantages of sea wall
    • Potentially have a negative impact on the coastline ecosystem.
    • Reflecting wave energy to neighbouring area.
  • moving Flood barrier is a defence system that can
    be deployed to protect against rising water levels during floods.
  • Moving flood barrier advantage
    • it’s flexible to move
    • offers quick response to changing flood condition.
  • Moving flood barriers disadvantages
    • need timely deployment to be effective in flood situation.
    • requires lots of maintenance.
  • Closure dam
    uses its weight and force of gravity to hold back water.
    • built with concrete and masonry
  • Closure dam advantage
    • have long life span
    • requires less maintenance
  • Closure dam Disadvantages
    Requires specific geological conditions to be effective whe built.
  • A + B engineering bricks are used in sewers and manholes as they are frost and acid resistant.
  • Facing bricks are:
    used in external walls
    designed stronger
    durable and versatile
  • Common bricks are used in internal walls, filling in gaps as they have low compressive strength
  • Engineering bricks are used in fireplaces because they can withstand high temperatures
  • Sharp sand is coarse sand with large grains and is used for concrete and flooring slalbs
  • Building sand is fine sand