8. Accuracy of eyewitness testimony: Anxiety

Cards (13)

  • Anxiety - AO1
    - A state of physical and emotional arousal. -Symptoms include
    - Increased heart rate
    - Sweatiness
    - Worried thoughts
    - Tensions
  • Anxiety has a negative effect on recall - weapon focus - AO1

    - Anxiety creates psychological arousal which prevents us from paying attention to important cues
  • Weapon focus - AO1
    - When a weapon is present it can lead an EW to focus on the weapon rather than other details in the crime
  • Johnson and Scott (1976) - procedure - AO1

    - Participants believed they were taking part in a lab study
    Two conditions -
    - Low-anxiety condition -
    Heard a causal conversation in the next room and a man walked out with a pen in his hand and grease
    - High-anxiety situation -
    Heard a heated conversation with the sound of broken glass. Man walked out holding a knife covered in blood
    Findings and conclusions -
    - Participants later asked to pick a man out from a set of 50 photos
  • Anxiety has a positive effect on recall - AO1

    - The fight or flight response - increases alertness which may improve memory as we became more aware of cues in the situation.
  • Johnson and Scott (1978) - Findings - AO1
    - 49% who were in the low-anxiety condition were able to identify the man correctly
    - 33% who were in the high anxiety condition were able to identify the man correctly
    - The tunnel theory - argues that individuals have enhanced a memory for central events.
  • Yulie and Cutshall (1986) procedure - AO1

    - Research into the positive effects of anxiety
    - Conducted study of an actual shooting in a gun shop - Vancouver, Cananda.
    - Shop owner shot a thief dead
    21 witnesses and 13 took part in the study
    - Interviewed 4-5 months after the crime and they were compared to their original police interviews at the time of the shooting.
    - Accuracy was determined by number of details reported correctly
    - Asked how stressed they felt on a 7-point scale and weather they had any emotional problems after
  • Yulie and Cutshall (1986) findings and conclusions - AO1
    - Witnesses were very accurate in their accounts and there was little change in I the amount and accuracy of recall after 5 months
    - Some details were less accurate - weight, age, and height estimates
    - Participants who reported the most stressed were more accurate - 88% more accurate compared to 75%
    - Anxiety does have a detrital effect on EWT
  • Explaining the contradictory evidence - AO1
    - Yerks and Dodson (1908) - explained that the relationship between -emotional arousal and performance looks like an inverted U
    - Yerkes-Dodson law - Performance will increase with stress but only up to a certain point where is drastically decreases.
  • Unusualness not anxiety 🙁 - AO3
    - Johnson and Scott may not have tested anxiety
    The reason participants focused on weapon may have been because they were shocked to see it
    - Pickle (1998) - conducted a study using scissor, a handgun and raw chicken or wallet in a hairdressing salon video
    - Scissors - low unusualness
    - Raw chicken and hand held gun - high unusualness
    - EW accuracy was poorer in high unusualness conditions
    - Weapon focus is due to unusualness rather than anxiety of threat
  • Support for negative effects 😊 - AO3
    - Valintine and Mesount (2009) - conducted a study in the horror labyrinth at the London dudgeon
    - Researchers used objective measure - heart rate - to determine if participants had high or low anxiety
    - Those in that were high anxiety recalled fewer correct details
    Supports the facT that anxiety has a negative effect on recall
  • Support for negative effects 😊 - AO1

    - Christian and Hubinnete (1993) - interviews 58 witnesses to an actual bank robbery in Sweden
    - Some were bank workers (directly involved) and others were bystanders (indirectly involved)
    - Recall more than 75% accurate across all witnesses
    - Direct victims had even more accurate recall - most anxious
  • CP to support for positive effects 😊 - AO3

    - Christian and Hubinnete (1993) - Interviewed participants several months after the event occurs - 4-15 months.
    - Had no control of what took place in between - post even discussion
    - Effects of anxiety may be overwhelmed by other factors
    - Lack of control over confounding variables