
Cards (8)

  • feminism
    Girls are disadvantaged by education; discouraged from some subjects.
  • Functionalism- Durkheim
    Social cohesion; norms and values
  • Functionalism- Parsons
    Secondary socialisation; “bridge” between particularistic family values and universal social values, role-allocation and meritocracy.
  • Interactionism- Ball
    Streaming and setting = labelling = master status = self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • Marxism- Bowles and Gintis
    “Correspondence principle” – school replicates the workplace with formal AND hidden curriculum teaching cultural capital, to the benefit of the bourgeoisie, not the proletariat, eg. private schools train managers, poor state schools train obedient workers = no meritocracy.
  • Marxism- Willis
    • “Learning to labour” – the working class rebel against school so do badly, so continue to get working class jobs.
    • Studied 12 boys with observation, participant observation, group discussions, unstructured interviews, diaries.
  • Ball, Bowe & Gewirtz
    • "Marketisation of education” only benefits the middle/upper class, who have more “cultural capital” and motivation to take an interest.
  • Halsey, Heath & Ridge
    • Class continuity in education: eg. middle-class families likely to produce children that do well in education and get middle-class jobs. etc