4. Animal studies of attachment.

Cards (21)

  • What is imprinting?
    the process by which certain animals form attachments during a critical period very early in life
  • What is a critical period for goslings ?
    in lorenz's research he found that it was critical for a gosling to attach to the first living creature they come in contact with to allow proper development
  • What happens if an attachment isn't formed during the critical period ?
    then a strong enough attachment cannot be formed and it will have permanent effects on the goslings and it will affect them later in life
  • What is sexual imprinting ?
    adult birds try to mate with whatever species or object they imprint on.
  • Who developed the idea of imprinting ? when ? how ?
    Lorenz in 1935 did a piece of research on goslings
  • What procedure did lorenz use ?
    half the gosling eggs were taken by lorenz and placed in an incubator whilst the other half were hatched normally with the mother
  • What were Lorenz's findings ?
    goslings hatched by lorenz followed him around and goslings hatched by the mother followed her around
  • How did Lorenz support that half of the goslings had imprinted on him?
    when placed in a room all together with the mother the goslings that imprinted on lorenz continued to follow him
  • What do Lorenz's findings suggest ?
    imprinting is a strong biological feature of attachment and evolution
  • What are some evaluations on lorenz's research ?
    - lorenz did research on animals which can't necessarily generalise on humans - the mammalian attachment system is different to birds
  • Whose research supports but also undermines lorenz's research ?
    - Guiton et al.'s study showed that chickens who had imprinted on yellow rubber gloves showed courtship behaviour towards gloves at first (and tried to mate with them)
    - but then learned to mate with other chickens. this suggests Lorenz overstated the effects of imprinting
  • What animals did Harlow conduct research on ?
    rhesus monkeys
  • What was Harlow trying to test ?
    the effect of contact comfort in attachment formation with rhesus monkeys
  • How long did Harlow study the monkey's for ?
    165 days
  • What was the wire mother used for ?
  • What was the cloth covered mothere used for ?
  • What procedure did Harlow use ?
    - half the monkeys were placed in a room with a wire mother who had a milk bottle as well as a cloth covered mother
    - the other half were placed in a room with a wire mother as well as a cloth covered mother with a milk bottle
  • How does lorenz's idea of a critical period apply to harlow's research ?
    the critical period for normal development was 90 days, after this period attachment was impossible to form and damage was irreversible like lorenz said about his goslings
  • What were Harlow's findings ?
    -baby monkeys cuddled with cloth covered mother over wire mother
    -sought comfort from cloth covered mother when they were scared
    - all the monkeys spent more time with the cloth covered mother weather or not hey had the bottle
    - the monkeys who were fed from the wire mother stayed for a short amount of time before returning to the cloth covered mother
  • What were Harlow's conclusions ?
    - that 'contact comfort' was more important than food in forming attachments
    - like lorenz there was also a critical period for these monkeys (90 days)
  • What were some of the long lasting effects on monkeys ?
    those who were maternally deprived were
    - social abnormal/antisocial (fled or froze when approached)
    - aggressive (some killed or attacked their children)
    - sexualy abnomal (bred less often as they did not show normal mating behaviours).
    - neglected their young too.