Jewish clothing

Cards (3)

  • What is the kippah?

    Referred to as a skull-cap. Worn by Jewish males to show identity. Some Jews believe that it is respectful to God if you cover your head. Orthodox Jewish men will wear kippah at all times. Liberal and Reform Jews may only wear it when praying, reading the Torah or attending synagogue. Some Liberal and Reform women may choose to wear it
  • What is the tallith?

    Known as a prayer shawl worn by Jewish men. Worn at morning service prayer, festivals and on the Sabbath. Reason for wearing it is to remind Jews of the 613 laws that they are meant to follow. They are represented by the 613 fringes known as the tzitzit
  • What is the tefillin?

    Two leather boxes which contains words from the Shema. One will be on wrist and one will be on head to show that God is always on your heart and mind