Cards (108)

  • Contrast
    When two or more related elements are displayed differently, and the greater the difference, the greater the contrast
  • Effective contrast
    • Taking similar elements on a web page and transforming them into unique entities, sections, asides, or containers
  • Attributes used to create contrast
    • Color
    • Size
    • Shape
    • Texture
    • Orientation
    • Position
    • Movement
  • Two similar elements with a greater degree of contrast do not always equate into a visually appealing experience
  • Color contrast
    The foreground color (text) and the background color it is layered on
  • Importance of effective color contrast
    • For web accessibility, as many people are color blind or visually impaired
  • Proximity
    Similar or related elements should be grouped together, while those that are unrelated or dissimilar should be separated
  • Factors related to proximity
    • Isolation
    • Similarity
    • Eye movement and direction
    • Continuance
    • Persistence of vision
  • As elements overlap or touch, the top layer typically gets the primary attention
  • Whitespace
    The portion of a page left unmarked, the portion that is left blank
  • Importance of whitespace
    • It smooths things out and transforms a page into something elegant
    • It reminds us that simpler designs are beautiful and we don't need to create a layout filled with text and graphical elements to deliver a clear and direct message
  • Alignment
    Allows us to make conscious decisions about how and where elements are placed on the page
  • Importance of alignment
    • It develops order and order conveys harmony
    • It brings together web page elements into a properly balanced blueprint
    • It conveys sound development and composition
    • It provides a standard guide for element placement
  • Without an alignment strategy we would end up with arbitrarily placed elements, with little or no connection to additional or similar features
  • Constructing an HTML table
    1. Describe the table between <TABLE> and </TABLE> tags
    2. Construct each row with <TR> and </TR> tags
    3. Construct each cell with <TD> and </TD> tags
  • WIDTH=n%
    Sets the width of the table as a percentage of the screen

    Adjusts the vertical dimension of the cells

    Sets the space or border around the cells
    Horizontally aligns the data in a cell
    Vertically aligns the data in a cell
    Defines the number of columns a table cell should span
  • Major components of web page design
    • Page layout design
    • Text design
    • Graphic design
    • Accessibility considerations
  • Load time
    The total file size of a web page and all its associated images and media files should be under 60KB
  • Perceived load time
    The amount of time a web page visitor is aware of waiting while the page is loading
  • Techniques to shorten perceived load time
    • Breaking the long page into multiple smaller pages
    • Image slicing - dividing large images into multiple smaller graphics
  • Above the fold
    The portion of a web page that is viewable without scrolling
  • Importance of above the fold

    • It can be used to attract and keep visitors on your web pages
  • Web page "real estate"

    The location you choose for high-profile components like logo banners, page headings, and navigation
  • Most valuable web page real estate
    • The upper-left side and top center of the page
  • Avoid placing important information and navigation on the far-right side as it may not be initially displayed by browsers at some screen resolutions
  • Horizontal scrolling
    When a web page is too wide to be displayed in the browser window, requiring the user to scroll horizontally
  • Optimal web page width for 1024x768 screen resolution
    • 960 pixels
  • White space
    Blank or white space placed around blocks of text and graphics to increase readability and make them stand out
  • Adequate white space
    • Depends on the target audience, experiment until the page looks appealing
  • Target audience
    The group of people the web page is designed for
  • Color preferences by target audience
    • Younger audiences prefer bright, lively colors
    • Older audiences prefer light backgrounds, well-defined images, and large text
  • Deuteranopia
    The inability to differentiate between red and green, the most common type of color deficiency
  • Designing for color deficiency
    • Use high contrast between background and text
    • Avoid using red, green, brown, gray, or purple next to each other
    • Use white, black, and shades of blue and yellow
  • Reading level
    Match the reading level and style of writing to the target audience
  • Animation
    Use only if it adds to the site, appeals more to younger audiences