Cards (5)

  • * real world application?
    • suffragette movement in early 20th century showed how small group argued strongly for initially unpopular view that women should be able to vote
    • showed consistency in message
    • exposed themself to serious consequences showing commitment
    • remained flexible during war effort
    • over time led to social change where women can now vote
    • ecological
    • m.i has had en effect in social change through suffragette movement
  • * evidence from nemeth for flexibility?
    • used mock jury agreeing on compensation for victim of ski lift accident
    • found that when flexible minority able to persuade majority to compromise & change their view to higher rate of compensation - more effect than inflexible minority
    • shows how minority can influence majority especially when they are flexible
  • X nemeth evidence is contradictory?
    • his research highlights importance of flexibility questions idea of consistency
    • moscovivi shows minorities need to be consistent whereas nemeth shows they need to be flexible
    • aritificial nature of study lacks ecological validity
    • both studies contradict each other
    • other factors contribute to m.i
    • consistency & flexibility alone lack explanatory power
    • holistic explanation is needed
  • * evidence from moscovici for consistency?
    • asked women to name colour of 32 blue slides
    • found when minority were consistent with naming coloured slides as green real p conformed on 8.25% of trials in comparison to 1.25% when minority were inconsistent
    • results show how minority can influence majority especially when theyre consistent
  • X moscovici study is gynocentric?
    • consisted of 172 female p in groups of 6 where 2 confederates in each group
    • means p do not represent male p & cannot be generalised to wider population
    • ? population
    • results cannot explain m.i of males & larger groups of individuals