multi-store model of memory

Cards (20)

  • What is the Sensory Register? (Sensory Store)
    - how it works
    - environmental stimuli ( the sound of someone talking) enter the sensory register, comprising five separate stores for each sense
    - the primary stores are iconic (for visual information, initially encoded visually) and echoic (for sound-based information, initially encoded acoustically).
  • sensory store coding
    depending on the sense that is picked up - e.g. visual, auditory or tactile. (modality specific)
  • sensory store duration

    less than half a second
  • sensory store capacity
    huge capacity (millions or receptors)
  • What is Short-term memory (STM)?

    Short term memory is your memory for immediate events. It temporarily stores information received from the sensory register.
  • How is information transferred from the sensory register to Short term memory?
  • What happens if information is not attended to when it enters the sensory register?
    leads to spontaneous decay
  • STM coding
    acoustically (Baddely 1966)
  • STM capacity
    between 5 and 9 items (Miller 1946)
  • STM duration
    18-30 seconds unless it is rehearsed (Peterson and Peterson 1959)
  • How is information transferred from STM to LTM?
    prolonged rehearsal i.e. verbally repeating a telephone number
  • How is information transferred from LTM to STM?
  • What is Long-term memory (LTM)?
    memory for events that have happened in the more distant past
  • LTM coding
    semantically (Baddeley 1966)
  • LTM capacity
    potentially unlimited
  • LTM duration
    lifetime (Bahrick 1975)
  • research support
    P: strength - research support
    E: Baddeley found that we mix up words that sound similar when using STM
    E: However we mix up words that have similar meanings when using LTM
    L: therefore STM and LTM are separate as claimed by MSM model
  • counterpoint
    P: limitation - research uses artificial stimuli
    E: in real life, people make memories related to useful things such as faces, names, facts, etc
    E: However research uses digits, letters, and consonant syllables that have no relation to real-life memories
    L: therefore MSM is not a valid model for everyday memory
  • more than one STM store
    P: limitation - more than one STM store
    E: KF had amnesia and had poor STM for digits read out loud to him
    E: but the recall was better for digits he read himself
    L: therefore there is evidence for more than one STM store
  • elaborative rehearsal
    P: limitation - prolonged rehearsal not needed for transfer to LTM
    E: elaborative rehearsal - linking information to existing knowledge or thinking about what it means
    E: information can be transferred to LTM without prolonged rehearsal
    L: MSM only partly explains how long-term storage is achieved