Moneysymbolizesunhappiness in Great Expectations, as each character that has or attains wealth becomes deeply unhappy.
Once Pip inherits money he becomes ungrateful,snobbish and selfish.
Pip is content with his life in the forge before he met Estella and Miss havisham but becomes dissatisfied with his social class after seeing what he could have.
Miss Havishams wedding dress symbolises her unhappiness at being left at the altar by Compeyson.
Compeysons name means 'to deceive' which shows how he was deceitful to miss havisham.
Jaggers is an example of a corruptlawyer who uses his power to manipulate people into doing things they don’t want to do.
The rottingweddingcakesymbolises how time has passed since she was last happy.
Great Expectations is setduring the industrialrevolution when there was rapidchangeanddevelopmentin Britain.
Great expectations is one of the greatestVictoriannovels which explores many aspectsofhumanbehaviour at its best and worst.
London is seen as a placeof“greatexpectations“ but also as an impersonal place ofcruelty,ruineddreamsand poverty
Dickens wrote great expectation because he wanted to show that social mobilitywaspossiblethroughhard work and determination.