particle model of matter

Cards (10)

  • solids
    strong forces of attraction close together structure in a fixed regular arrangement,
    Particles don’t have much energy
    Density is generally highest in this state
  • liquids
    weaker forces of attraction between particles - particles are close together but can move past each other form an irregular arrangement- has more energy than a solid but less than a gas
    Move in random directions at low speeds
    Less dense than solids
  • gases
    almost no force of attraction - most energy- particles move freely and travel in random directions at high speeds
    Gases have low densities
  • Density
    The amount of mass per unit volume of a substance
  • Solids are generally denser than liquids, and gases are usually less dense than liquids
  • To find the density of a solid object
    1. Measure mass using a balance
    2. Find volume using a formula or water displacement
    3. Plug mass and volume into density formula
  • To find the density of a liquid
    1. Place measuring cylinder on balance and zero
    2. Pour 10ml of liquid, record mass
    3. Repeat with more 10ml portions, record total volume and mass
    4. Calculate density for each measurement, then take average
  • 1 ml = 1 cm³
  • Changes of state conserves of mass
    SOLID to LIQUID = melting
    LIQUID to SOLID = freezing
    LIQUID to GAS = evaporation
    GAS to LIQUID = condensation
    SOLID to GAS = sublimation
  • specific latent heat
    Energy needed to change state