english lit tequniques

Cards (18)

  • dramatic irony is when the audience knows something the charactars do not
  • connotations is when a word links to another word
  • a mouth peice is when a character is used to present the authors view
  • a foil is a character that makes another character look better / worst
  • a proxy is a character who takes on another characters role
  • a motif is symbolism that comes up though out text ( eg theme of responsibility in inspector calls)
  • cynical structure is when something starts and ends the same way
  • a soliloquy is when shakespeare characters speak their thoughts outloud
  • a protagonist is the hero of a story
  • a antagonist is the villain the story
  • proletic irony is when a charactar does or says something and does not know all the facts
  • chaismus is same thing said backwards
  • litotes is a under exagerration
  • sibalince is aliteration of sound "s"
  • rule of three is listing three things
  • onomatopei is word sounding like noise
  • polysydenton is the use of repeated conjuctives
  • allegory is when whole play / poem symbolises something bigger