Macbeth key quotes

Cards (16)

  • Fair is foul and foul is fair (witches)

    - chiasmus
    -appearance vs reality
  • it is too full of the milk of human kindness (lady macbeth)

    -subverts gender stereotypes
    -milk is maternal
    -femineity is a sign of weakness
  • take my milk for gall (lady macbeth)

    -femininity taken for masculine bile
  • innocent flower, but be the serpant under (lady macbeth)

    - satantic serparnt (link biblical allusion)
    - hospitaslity for king
    - appearnce vs reality
    - metaphor and simile
  • i have no spur to prick the sides of my intent (macbeth)

    -equine metaphor
    -lack of motivation
  • a dagger of the mind (macbeth)

    -extreme psycological state
  • consider it not so deeply (lady macbeth)

    -imperative to macbeth and herslef
    -link act 5 where she goes mad
  • will all great Neptune ocean wash this blood clean from my hand (macbeth)

    -oceanic metaphor
    -wont clear guilt
  • my hands are of your colour but i shame to wear a heart so white (lady macbeth)

    -subverts gender steryotyoe
    -united in gulilt
  • a little water clears us of this deed (lady macbeth)

    -juxtaposes earlier as shes 'less guilty
  • theres daggers in mens smile (donaldbain)

    - metaphor
    - duncans killer is hiding behind face
  • fruitless crown (macbeth)
    -childless, unhappy
    -country impoverished during his reign
  • blood will have blood (macbeth)

    -blood=violence=death, duncans and banquos
    - tautology
  • i am in blood (macbeth)

    -to go back is as hard to go forward so might as well kill
  • new widows howl new orphans cry new sorrows strike heaven (macduff)

    -scotlands pain
  • angels are bright still, though the brightest fell (malcom)

    -satan ultimate fear for jacobean audience
    -metaphor to relate to macbeth downfall