Positivism vs Interpretivism

Cards (10)

  • Positivist view on society

    Society influences people, systematically shaping their behaviour patterns
  • What type of data do interpretivists prefer?

    Favour unstandardised, qualitative data in order to uncover and explain the meanings that shape our behaviour
  • Interpretivist view on society

    Our behaviours and actions are based on the meanings we give to situations
  • What type of data do positivists prefer?

    Favour standardised, quantitative data to uncover and measure behavioural patterns
  • What methods do positivists use?

    Questionnaires, official statistics, experiments, etc
  • What methods do interpretivists use?

    Unstructured interviews, personal documents, participant observation, etc
  • Why do positivists prefer the data they use?

    Strong in reliability and representativeness, which helps with generalisation
  • Why do interpretivists prefer the data they use?

    Rich in depth and validity, providing a deeper understanding
  • Positivist view on objectivity

    Sociologists should remain objective and detached from those they are studying
  • Interpretivist view on objectivity

    Sociologists are part of the world they are studying so it is impossible for them to remain objective