Psychology behind it - Perry

Cards (8)

  • One assumption of the cognitive approach is
    • behavior and emotions are influciented by social contexts , enviroment and social contexts (situations)
  • A asumption is that the presence of others whether implied or imagined affects Behavior and Emotions
  • EMPATY : The person abiliy to understand thougths , feeling and experices of another person
  • Oxytocin : A hormone that acts as a neurotransmitter and it hasplays a important role in social bonding
    • It promotes prosocial and approach behaciors
    • Also called "Love Hormone"
  • Confortable interpersonal Distance
    How close will you allow someone to come close to you depending on who they are (friend , family ,stranger or object)
    • The distance between a individual and another person
  • Background
    Perry et al, was interested in whether oxytocin affected people ,depending on their level of empathy
    • The study aimed to examine how oxytocin administration influences interpersonal distance preferences in individuals with varying levels of empathy.
  • Aim
    To investigate how oxytocin affects preferred interpersonal distance for those scoring high or low in empathy traits.