fructose, used to attract animals + aids in seeddispersal
galactose, sugar found in milk
immediate energy source, doesn't need to be hydrolysed due to size, soluble.
sucrose,glucose and fructose. sugar transported around plant
maltose, glucose and glucose. found in germinatingseeds and produced when amylase -> starch.
lactose, glucose and galatose.sugar in milk
starch as polysaccharide?
storage carb in plants. compact, can store more in smaller space and insoluble, little/no osmotic effect.
amylose= straight/unbranched chain made with 1,4 glycosidic bonds. chain coils (more compact) held by hydrogen bonds.
amylopectin= branched with main chain made of 1,4 and side chains made of 1,6 glycosidic bonds. rapid hydrolysis due to sidebranches giving easy access to stored energy
glycogen as a polysaccharide?
storage in humans,insoluble in water and more compact than starch.
has 1,4 and 1,6 glycosidic bonds, meaning rapid hydrolysis (easy access to stored energy)
cellulose as a polysaccharide?
straight chain, 1,4 bonds only.
providdes strength in cell wall in plants and indigestible in human gut, moving mateial through digestive tract