Somerset levels

Cards (12)

  • River parrot has not been dredged for 20 years
  • More farmland - intensive use of the land means it is less able to retain water
  • Atlantic storms rainfall and gale-force winds

    Was the primary cause of flooding
  • 62 pumps were used
  • 600 homes were flooded and 16 farms were evacuated
  • £1 million was lost by local businesses
  • Somerset floods cost the county's tourism industry an estimated £200 million
  • Over 10 million spent on the flood damage
  • Nine hundred litres of fuel was stolen from a pumping station
  • There were also reports of heating oil and quad bikes being stolen from homes affected by flooding
  • The scheme is part of a 20-year plan for the Somerset Levels and will total £100 million.
  • crime increased during the flood as people were more likely to steal