nuclear equations

Cards (8)

  • Nuclear equation

    Shows what's produced when a radioactive nucleus decays
  • Alpha particle
    Has 2 protons and 2 neutrons, same as helium nucleus
  • Alpha decay
    1. Radioactive element decays and releases an alpha particle
    2. Atomic number of product decreases by 2
    3. Mass number of product decreases by 4
  • To work out atomic number and mass number of product in alpha decay:
  • Beta decay
    Neutron changes to proton and electron is ejected from nucleus
  • Beta decay
    1. Atomic number of product increases by 1
    2. Mass number of product does not change
  • To work out atomic number and mass number of product in beta decay:
  • Gamma decay
    Neither atomic number nor mass number change.
    immitted by an unstable nucleus.
    energy is lost in the nucleus.