Lack of willingness to comply with the law (avoid taxes, avoid government checks)
IllegalTrade (organs, animals, counterfeit products, wildlife poaching and trafficking)
Exploitation and Abuse (child labor, human trafficking)
Institutions and Programs
Balik Probinsya, Bagong Pag-asa Program
SCIS-Sub-committee on InformalSector
DILEEP-DOLEIntegratedLivelihood and EmergencyProgram
CLPEP-ChildLaborPrevention and EliminationProgram
RA 8425-SocialReformPolicyAlleviationAct
RA 8282-SocialSecurityAct
RA 7796-TechnicalEducation and SkillsDevelopment Act
RA 7875- National HealthInsurance Act
Ineffective law implementation
Informal Employment in the Formal Sector
Failure to declare the occupation of workers
Insufficientworkinghours and wage compared to what hadbeendeclared
Types of Informal Sector
Small Scale (sari-sari store owner, newspaper vendor, pedicab driver)
Medium-Tier (unregistered food kiosk and resto, localservices)
Homeworker (unregistered online jobs, home business, onlineselling)
Black Market (drugtrafficking, smuggling, prostitution, illegal gambling)
Importance of Informal Sector
Helps in Production
Informal sector terms
parallel market
hidden economy
invisible economy
shadow economy
submerged economy
underground economy
Independent, self-employed producers
Utilize low level of technology and skills
Operate with very littlecapital
Low income and unstable employment
Unregistered and unrecorded
Uneven economic development
Lack of willingness to comply with the law
Ineffective law implementation
Informal sector
Not employed in the formal sector
Company or workers are notregistered
Business is not a legalentity
Disorganized and has fewworkers
Informalemployment in the formal sector
Informal sector components
Small scale (sari-sari store owner, newspaper vendor, pedicab driver)
Medium-tier (unregistered food kiosk and resto, local services)
Homeworker (unregistered online jobs, home business, online selling)
Black market (drug trafficking, smuggling, prostitution, illegal gambling)
Informal sector helps in production
Informal sector provides employmentgeneration
Informal sector has economicissues
Wildlife poaching is the illegal capturing of animals
Wildlife trafficking is the selling of animals illegally
Childlabor deprives children of their childhood, potential and dignity, and is harmful to their physical and mental development
Child labor interferes with schooling by depriving them of the opportunity to attend, obliging them to leave prematurely, or requiring them to combine school with excessive work
Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit
Institutions and programs
Balik Probinsya, Bagong Pag-asa Program
DILEEP and Emergency Employment Program
Sub-committee on Informal Sector
RA 8425 - socialreform and POVERTYALLEVIATIONACT
CLPEP -ChildLaborPrevention and EliminationProgram
Causes of foreign trade
Causes of foreign trade
Absolute Advantage
Can produce a product more efficiently than other countries
Adam Smith: '"You don't have to produce everything"'
Comparative Advantage
Best option given a trade-off, meaning the one with least opportunity cost
Factor Abundance
A country has comparative advantage in the goods for which the required factors of production are abundant locally
If a country has lots of labor, it should produce labor-intensive goods. If it has lots of capital, it should produce capital-intensive goods.
Effects of foreign trade
Lowering of price because of competition
Innovation and transfer of technology
Breaks domestic monopolies
Employment generation
Negative effects of foreign trade
Industries do not get a chance to grow because of competition
Risk of losing jobs
Diversity output may suffer as local producers leave the market
Balance of trade
Difference between the monetary value of exports and imports within a given period of time
Philippines as of February 2023: Exports 5.1B USD, Imports 9B USD, Trade deficit 3.9B USD
Trade barriers
Taxes imposed by a government on imports and export of goods
Imposes a limit on the number or the value of a product
Policies on product standard for quality, safety, and health
Restricts commerce with a specified country or the exchange of specific goods