In-depth examination of key factors that influence the business operations of a firm
Environmental scanning
Carefully studying a firm's external environment to predict environmental changes and detect changes already underway
Critical trends and events will signal an alert before it develops a discernible pattern and before competitors recognize them
Variables that may affect a firm's short-term and long-term decisions
Natural environment
Societal environment
Task environment
Natural environment
Physical resources, wildlife, and climate that are an inherent part of existence on Earth
Societal environment forces
Economic forces
Technological forces
Political-legal forces
Sociocultural forces
Task environment elements
Government Regulations
Special Interest Groups
SWOT Matrix
Framework used to evaluate a firm's competitive position by listing the conditions inside and surrounding it
Internal areas where an organization excels and factors that separate an organization from its competitors
Internal areas that hinder an organization from performing at its optimum level
Favorable external factors that could give an organization a competitive advantage
Factors that may pose potential harm to an organization
PESTEL Analysis
Tool to identify the external forces that may affect an organization positively and negatively
PESTEL factors
Porter's Five Forces
Framework for assessing and evaluating the competitive strength and position of a business organization
Porter's Five Forces
Supplier power
Buyer power
Competitive rivalry
Threat of substitution
Threat of new entrants
Ecosystem Assessment Tool
Demonstrates a network composing four types of players in the industry: customers, suppliers, competitors, and complementors
Ecosystem Assessment Tool players
Goalsetting is the first stage of the strategic management process.
The strategic management process consists of five stages, including goal setting.
Strategic planning involves identifyinggoals and objectives that align with an organization's mission statement.
The second step in the strategic planning process is to conduct an internal analysis.
SWOT Analysis is used as part of the internal analysis phase.
Strategic planning involves identifying goals and objectives to achieve success.
Strategyformulation is the second stage of the strategic management process.
Strengths are positive attributes that give a company a competitive advantage over its rivals.
Organizationalstrategy refers to how an organization will compete with other organizations in its environment.
Organizations need to set clear goals and objectives to achieve their missions.
SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound.
Weaknesses refer to negative aspects or limitations of a business, such as poor financial performance or lack of resources.
Externalanalysis includes analyzing external factors such as competitors, customers, suppliers, economic conditions, legal/regulatory environment, technological advancements, social trends, and political climate.
SettingSMART goals can be helpful in achieving organizational success.
Control is the fourth stage of the strategic management process.
Implementation is the third stage of the strategic management process.
SWOT Analysis - A tool used to analyze the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of a business or product.
Porter's Five Forces Model is commonly used in external analysis.
Internal analysis focuses on analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within the organization.
External analysis focuses on factors outside the control of the company.
External Analysis - Analyzing external factors such as market trends, competition, economic conditions, etc.
Internal analysis includes analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT).
Evaluation is the fifth stage of the strategic management process.