Cards (6)

  • How HIV is replicated
    1. Attachment proteins attach to receptors on helper T cell/lymphocyte
    2. Nucleic acid/RNA enters cell
    3. Reverse transcriptase converts RNA to DNA
    4. Viral protein/capsid/enzymes produced
    5. Virus (particles) assembled and released (from cell)
  • How an ADC enters and kills the tumour cell
    1. Cell ingests/engulfs the antibody/ADC
    2. Lysosomes fuse with vesicle/phagosome (containing ADC)
    3. Lysozymes breakdown/digest the antibody/ADC to release the drug
  • How the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is replicated once inside helper T cells (TH cells)

    1. RNA converted into DNA using reverse transcriptase
    2. DNA incorporated/inserted into (helper T cell) DNA/chromosome/genome/nucleus
    3. DNA transcribed into (HIV m)RNA
    4. (HIV mRNA) translated into (new) HIV/viral proteins (for assembly into viral particles)
  • How HIV affects the production of antibodies when AIDS develops in a person
    • Less/no antibody produced
    • (Because HIV) destroys helper T cells
    • (So) few/no B cells activated / stimulated
  • Role of antibodies in producing a positive result in an ELISA test
    1. (First) antibody binds/attaches /complementary (in shape) to antigen
    2. (Second) antibody with enzyme attached is added
    3. (Second) antibody attaches to antigen
    4. (Substrate/solution added) and colour changes
  • Role of antibodies in stimulating phagocytosis
    • Bind to antigen
    • Cause clumping/agglutination