Pools: the amount of material this is present in a given compartment
Fluxes: the amount of material that is moving among the compartments during a given period of time
Turnover rate: the proportion of a given pool which leaves during a given time
output / exiting pool = percentage per year
Residence time: average length of time that a given element/matter will remain in a pool
pool / output = time
The most dominant primary producers are photoautotrophs.
Gross primary production: amount of C fixed within an ecosystem over some time period
Net primary production: GPP minus the amount of C used by autotrophs for metabolism
Secondary production: amount of C passed on to heterotrophs within the ecosystem
NPP can be estimated using satellite-measured chloroplast reflectance, since the organelle is indicative of primary producers.
NPP is constrained by physical and abiotic environmental factors like precipitation, temperature, and nutrients.
Limiting factors of NPP: production was estimated from aboveground biomass in Hawaii, and shows that NPPdecreases with increasing mean annual precipitation (less sunlight for photosynthesis)
Plants allocate the most growth to capture limiting nutrients, which can depend on the environment
ex: in nutrient-poor biomes like tundras and grasslands, over 50% of NPP is allocated to growth of roots
ex: if competition for light is more important, less NPP is dedicated to roots
Linear food chain: energy flows from 1st to 4th trophic level
Producers: 1st trophic level
Primary consumer: 2nd trophic level
Secondary consumer: 3rd trophic level
Tertiary consumer: 4th trophic level
Trophic efficiency: (PN/PN-1) * 100
PN = production of one trophic level
PN-1: production of trophic level below it
Consumption efficiency: % of available energy that is ingested by primary consumers
(IN/PN-1) x 100
Assimilation efficiency: % of energy in ingested material that is assimilated for metabolism by the primary consumers
Production efficiency: % of assimilated energy that is allocated to growth or production of offspring of the primary consumers
Biomagnification: toxins like DDT (pesticide) and mercury (heavy metal) do not break down easily and accumulate at higher trophic levels, usually in predator species
Where do nutrients come from?
Biological fixation
Weathering of rock
Plants and animals
Atmospheric deposition (dust and rain)
The triple bond in gaseous nitrogen (N2) makes it extremely stable and thus chemically inert without massive inputs of energy.
plants can also up nitrate more easily than ammonia
Denitrification: microbes convert nitrate back into N2 gas (NO3- > NO > N2O > N2)
Immobilization: conversion from inorganic to organic forms of N
ex: ammonia (NH3) or nitrate (NO3-) entering plant and animal food webs
Ammonification (mineralization): organic forms of N are converted to NH4+ (e.g. in urine)
NH4+ is toxic in high concentrations and so must be excreted
Major pools of N include the atmosphere, deep ocean, soil organic matter, and terrestrial biomass.
Note that the largest fluxes in global N cycle are internal recycling in marine and terrestrial environments.
This describes the rapid movement of N back and forth between the biotic and abiotic pools (= immobilization and ammonification) without return to the atmosphere
N fixation in terrestrial ecosystems is increased due to…
widespread planting of N-fixing plants in agriculture
N fixation from industrial sources
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas released during nitrification and denitrification and during the burning of fossil fuels
Per molecule, it has around 300 times the warming power of CO2.
P does not exist in a gaseous phase, so does not cycle through atmosphere. Most of it is stored in rocks and marine sediment.
Fungi can take up P more easily than plants; this is the basic for many mutualisms.
Disturbance: a relatively discrete event that disrupts the structure of an ecosystem, community, or population by changing the physical environment or the resources it contains
Climax: a stable biotic community that represents the last stage of succession
Early succession species tend to have r-selected traits because these populations tend to grow rapidly, while late succession species tend to have K-selected traits.
Chronosequence: similar habitats differing only in the time of post-disturbance succession
Cooper proposed 3 succession stages in Glacial Bay
Fausti proposed differences between old and young sites
The Mount St. Helens eruption in 1980 showed that disturbance intensities play a large role in succession, as areas farther away from the site had residuals (remnant organisms) allowing for quicker recovery.
Model of succession: in facilitation, pioneer species are first to arrive and favorably modify the environment for later successional species.
Model of succession: in inhibition, both early and late succession species colonize a disturbed habitat and have equal opportunity to secure a space.
Because late-succession species live longer, they become dominant over pioneer species.
Model of succession: in tolerance, both early and late succession species colonize a disturbed habitat.
Because late-succession species can tolerate conditions of limiting resources, they become dominant over pioneer species.
Properties of wildfire include fire intensity and fire frequency.