The Milky Way and Other Galaxies

Cards (11)

  • If we could view the Milky Way from above the disk, we would see its spiral arms.
  • Dusty gas clouds obscure our view because they absorb visible light.
  • The primary features are:
    Disk, bulge, stellar halo, globular clusters
    A) Stellar halo
    B) disk
    C) thin disk
    D) galactic
    E) sun
    F) budge
  • What are the three major types of galaxies?
    1. Spiral
    2. Elliptical
    3. irregular
  • Much of the star formation happens in the spiral arms of the disk.
  • Blue - white color indicates ongoing star formation
  • Red - Yellow color indicates older star population
  • Shells of stars observed around some elliptical galaxies are probably the remains of past collisions.
  • Spin: The initial angular momentum of the protogalactic cloud could determine the size of the resulting disk.
  • Density: Elliptical galaxies could come from dense protogalactic clouds that were able to cool and form stars before gas settled into a disk.
  • It is the interstellar medium that makes new star systems.