cognitive approach

Cards (12)

  • Cognitive approach
    -Focused on how our mental processes affect behaviour
    - thinking causes behaviour
    - The mind actively processes information from our senses (touch, taste etc.).
  • Internal mental processes
    'Private' operations of the minds such as perception and attention that mediate between stimulus and response
  • Schema
    A mental shortcut of beliefs and expectations developed from experience.
  • Pros and cons of schemas
    + mental shortcut -we don't have to rethink the same ideas- helps us to remember
    - a schemas can lead to phobias e.g about exams can cause panic attacks
    - can lead to prejudice and racism
  • Inference
    The process whereby cognitive psychologists draw conclusions about the way mental processes operate on the basis of observed behaviour
  • Cognitive neuroscience
    The scientific study of biological structures that underpin cognitive processes.
  • The use of theoretical and computer models
    Cognitive psychology uses conceptual models to explain how the kind works e.g the multi store model and allows psychologists to predict when they do testing and experiments
  • the Computer (informational) process model

    - mind functions like a computer as we both input - process information, have memory and an output - retrieve info
    - there stages in processing steps for information
  • scientific methods
    P: strength - uses objective methods
    E: use of lab studies to produce reliable, objective data
    E: cognitive neuroscience enabled biology and cognitive psychology to come together to enhance scientific study
    L: therefore cognitive approach has scientific credibility
  • counterpoint
    P: limitation - may be abstract
    E: relies on inference of mental processes so may be abstract and theoretical in nature
    E: research uses artificial stimuli so may not represent everyday life
    L: therefore may lack external validity
  • real-world application
    P: strength - practical application
    E: cognitive psychology has made an important contribution to the field of artificial intelligence
    E: cognitive principles have also been applied to the treatment of depression and improved reliability of EWT
    L: therefore supports value of cognitive approach
  • machine reductionism
    P: limitation - based on machine reductionism
    E: machine reductionism ignores the influence of human emotions on the mind and behavior
    E: e.g. human memory may be affected by emotional factors such as anxiety on EWT
    L: therefore machine reductionism reduces the validity of the approach