Outline the evolutionary basis of behaviour
Human behaviour is thought to have involved in the same way as physical characteristics. According to darwin's theory of natural selection the random mutation in jeans produce individuals that are better suited to the environment. In a world where there may be competition for resources like territory food and mates some individuals will have characteristics that make the most successful. This means they have selected advantages, they survive and reproduce and pass on those characteristics to that offspring. Characteristics that make individual lessons due to the environment would use the chances of surviving and reproduce into those jeans will be lost
Lea et al looked at their MAOA Warrior gene that is linked to aggression and found in about one third of men. This Jane will survive because of aggressive men may have more likely to survive and reproduce this is because:
1) Think Chris aggression may have made them better hunters they would be able to provide for the family and insure the survival of the children
2) they could protect themselves and their families more effectively
3) they may have had high status in society and been more attracted to females
However some animals have a vote characteristics that make them less suited to the environment and less likely to survive for example a peacocks towel is cumbersome and makes them more vulnerable to being caught by predators. Darwin suggested that this characteristic my Bavaro because female penhens found it attractive and nice peacocks with big gamble beautiful towns were successful in May in and had some sleep beautiful tattoos he called this sexual selection. Anderson carried out a study and I Longtown widow bed which is about the size of a sparrow but my have a tad up to half a metre. Anderson compare the three groups on the mating success
1) Metal bed with tails shortened by cutting off the feathers
2) Malpas with length and towels by adding feathers cut up from the first group
3) Control group of male birds with normal long tails.
The mouse with a limp and towels are actually more successful with the females that even the long tail but Anderson concluded that through revelation the professors of females for longtailed mouse has increased the average size of the males tail. Darwin's theory of natural and sexual selection can be applied to humans. Individuals may have characteristics that make the most successful or more attractive and therefore more likely to survive and three produce and pass those characteristics of onto their offspring.