psychodynamic approach

    Cards (23)

    • Psychodynamic approach
      -Behaviour is influenced by early childhood experiances
      -behaviour is motivated by two instincts- sex and life
    • The unconcious
      The part of the mind that we are unaware of but which continues to direct much of our behaviour.
    • The conscious
      the part of our mind we are aware of on a daily basis- can be influenced by the unconscious
    • Id
      Entirely unconscious, the id is made up of selfish aggressive instincts that demand immediate gratification.
    • Ego
      The 'reality check' that balances the conflicting demands of the id and superego.
    • Superego
      The moralistic part of our personality which represents the ideal self: how we ought to be.
    • Defence mechanisms
      Unconscious strategies that the ego uses to manage the conflict between the id and the superego.
    • Repression
      forcing a distressing memory out of the conscious mind
    • Denial
      refusing to acknowledge some parts of reality
    • Displacement
      transferring feelings from true source of distressing emotion onto a substitute target
    • Psychosexual stages
      According to Freud, five developmental stages that all children pass through. At most stages there is a specific conflict, the outcome of which determines future development.
    • Oral 1-0 yr
      focus of pleasure is the mothers's breast - object of desire
      unresolved conflict leads to fixation
    • Anal 1-3 yr
      focus of pleasure is the anus. Child holds pleasure by withholding and expelling faeces. Unresolved conflict leads to anal retentive or anal expulsive
    • Phallic 3-5 yrs
      focus of pleasure - genital area
      child experiences the Oedipus or electra complex
      Unresolved complex leads to phallic personality- narcissistic, reckless, possible homosexual
    • Latent
      earlier conflicts are repressed
    • genital
      sexual desires become conscious along onset of puberty
    • Little Hans
      - 5 year old with a phobia of horses
      - freud thought the horse represented his father as he was scared his father would castrate him for desiring his mother - this is the Oedipus complex theory
    • Psychodynamic therapy
      - Free association - client talking freely to the therapist - saying the first things that come to mind - allows for true thoughts and feelings to emerge
      - dream analysis
    • Evaluation of the Psychodynamic Approach
      +influential - this theory started the debate in psychology and the behaviourists developed their ideas to challenge his view
      + led to effective treatment -lead to the treatment of many mental health issues
      - Untestable concepts for example we can't measure people superegos so can't know for certain if it is more powerful with people who have OCD- unscientific
      -based on case studies - unreliable ungeneralisable to other people in other situations
    • real-world application
      P: strength - introduced psychotherapy
      E: psychoanalysis helps clients by bringing their repressed emotions to their conscious mind so they can be dealt with
      E: psychoanalysis forerunner to many modern-day therapies such as counseling
      L: therefore real-world application
    • counterpoint
      P: limitation - psychoanalysis considered harmful for some
      E: symptom of schizophrenia include delusions and hallucinations
      E: people with schizophrenia cannot differentiate reality from their hallucinations so are unable to articulate their thoughts
      L: therefore Freudian therapy does not apply to all disorders
    • explanatory power
      P: strength - explanatory power
      E: psychodynamic approach has been used to explain a wide range of phenomena such as personality disorders, etc
      E: it has also been used to draw attention to connections between experiences in childhood and future relationships
      L: therefore approach has had a positive effect on psychology
    • untestable concepts
      P: limitation - has many untestable concepts
      E: much of the psychodynamic approach is not open to empirical testing
      E: many of Freud's concepts such as the Oedipus complex occur at an unconscious level so cannot be tested scientifically
      L: therefore Freud's theory is pseudoscientific