Topic 3 – Infection and Response

Cards (35)

  • Good Health
    State of mental and physical wellbeing
  • Communicable
    Can spread - Infections (caused by pathogens)
  • Non-Communicable
    Cannot spread - Cancer, Asthma, CHD (No pathogen)
  • Pathogen
    Microorganism that causes disease (foreign antigens on surface)
  • Risk Factor
    Increases your chance of getting a disease (e.g. smoking increases chance of lung cancer)
  • Non-communicable diseases
    • Costly - Affects themselves and family members, Cost of medicines, Weaker economy (less people working)
  • Tumour
    Large ball of cells (2 types: Benign - Less harmful, stays in one place; Malignant - Some cells break off, spreads to different organs, can lead to cancer)
  • Cancer survival has improved due to better medicines/treatment and better diagnostic machines for early detection
  • Risk factors for cancer
    • Environmental
    • Genetic
    • Smoking
    • UV radiation
    • Viral infection
    • Obesity
  • 4 main types of Pathogens
    • Bacteria
    • Virus
    • Protist
    • Fungi
  • Bacteria
    Produce toxins that damage cells
  • Virus
    Replicate inside host cells, cells burst and cause damage
  • Protist
    Single celled eukaryotes, parasites that steal nutrients, spread by vectors e.g. insects
  • Fungi
    Have roots called hyphae that penetrate skin/plants and cause disease, spread by spores
  • 3 ways pathogens spread
    • Contact with infected surfaces
    • Droplets in the air
    • Contaminated water
  • Viral diseases

    • Measles (skin rash, fever)
    • HIV (flu-like symptoms, attacks immune system)
  • Fungal diseases
    • Rose black spot (black spots on leaf, reduces photosynthesis)
  • Protist diseases
    • Malaria (fever, fatal, spread by mosquito vector)
  • How to stop spread of disease
    • Hygiene - wash hands
    • Destroying vectors - chemicals or habitat removal
    • Isolate infected individuals
    • Vaccination - stop it passing on
  • Physical barriers
    • Skin
    • Hair, mucus (trap bacteria)
    • Cilia (move mucus up throat)
    • HCl in stomach (kills bacteria)
  • White blood cells (WBCs)
    • Phagocytosis (engulf and digest)
    • Antibodies (bind to and destroy pathogens)
    • Antitoxins (remove toxins)
  • Vaccines
    1. Dead/inactive pathogen injected into body
    2. WBCs recognise foreign antigen
    3. WBCs turn into memory cells
    4. Memory cells rapidly produce antibodies
  • Sources of medicines
    • Plants (chemicals to defend against pests/pathogens)
    • Microorganisms (bacteria produce chemicals to kill other bacteria)
    • Pharmaceutical industry (man-made chemicals)
  • Painkillers
    Relieve symptoms (don't kill pathogen)
  • Antibiotics
    Destroy bacteria (pathogen) but not viruses (they hide in cells)
  • Pros and Cons of vaccines
    • Pros: Control epidemics, Herd immunity
    • Cons: Don't always work, Bad side effects
  • Developing resistance
    1. Some bacteria have resistant genes
    2. Antibiotic destroys non-resistant bacteria
    3. Resistant bacteria survive and reproduce
    4. Number of resistant bacteria increase
  • How to reduce antibiotic resistance
    • Don't overuse antibiotics
    • Finish the course - stop resistant bacteria from reproducing
  • Drug development
    1. Cells/Organs
    2. Small animals (efficacy and toxicity)
    3. Clinical trial: Healthy humans (find optimum dose/side effects)
    4. Blind clinical: Placebo (eliminate psychological effect)
    5. Double blind: Neither doctor/patient know (eliminate bias)
  • Monoclonal antibodies

    Identical antibodies that bind to the same antigen
  • Making monoclonal antibodies
    1. Fuse B-lymphocyte + Tumour cell to make Hybridoma
    2. Hybridoma makes lots of clones
    3. Extract and purify antibodies from clones
  • Uses of monoclonal antibodies
    • Pregnancy test kit
    • Drug delivery to cancer cells
    • Detect presence of hormones/chemicals/molecules in laboratories
  • Nitrate
    Amino acids -> Proteins -> Growth
  • Magnesium
    Chlorophyll -> Photosynthesis (no chlorophyll = yellow leaves)
  • Plant defence mechanisms
    • Physical barriers (waxy cuticle, cellulose wall)
    • Mechanical (thorns, mimicry, droop/curl away)
    • Chemical (antibacterial, poisonous)