Topic 5 – Health, Disease and the Development of Medicines

Cards (71)

  • Maintaining a constant internal environment
    • Water
    • Glucose
    • Temperature
    • Ions
  • Temperature
    Enzymes functioning normally
  • Negative feedback
    A mechanism that counteracts a change in the body
  • Negative feedback mechanism
    1. Stimulus
    2. Receptor
    3. Sensory
    4. CNS
    5. Motor
    6. Effector
    7. Response
  • Relay neurone connects Sensory to Motor (within the CNS)
  • Sense organs
    • Eye
    • Mouth
    • Tongue
    • Ear
    • Nose
    • Skin
  • Reflex
    Automatic, goes to spinal cord (faster), protection
  • Voluntary response

    Goes to brain (slower), requires thinking
  • Synapse
    1. Impulse arrives to end of neurone
    2. Neurotransmitters released
    3. Diffuse across and bind to receptors
    4. New Impulse generated on next neurone
  • Drugs affect synapses
  • Fair test, keep these SAME: Hand, Height, Position and Person dropping it
  • Parts of the brain
    • Cerebral Cortex
    • Medulla
    • Spinal Cord
    • Cerebellum
  • Medulla
    Unconscious activity, Heartbeat/breathing
  • Spinal Cord
    Connects brain to neurones
  • Cerebellum
    Muscle control (Sitting up)
  • Studying the brain
    1. Studying patients with brain damage and which part of body is affected
    2. Electrodes in brain – to see which part gets stimulated and moves
    3. MRI scans – detailed picture showing which part of brain are active
  • Parts of the eye
    • SCLERA
    • CORNEA
    • LENS
    • IRIS
  • Focusing on nearby objects
    2. S.L SLACKEN
    3. Lens ^Rounded = ^Refraction
  • Focusing on far objects
    1. C.M RELAX
    2. S.L TIGHTEN
    3. Lens ^Flattened = ^Refraction
  • Accommodation
    Changing shape of lens to focus light onto the retina
  • Long-sighted (hyperopia)
    Lens too weak, eyeball too short
  • Short-sighted (myopia)

    Lens too strong, eyeball too long
  • Treatments for vision defects

    • Contact lenses
    • Laser
    • Replacement lens surgery
  • Thermoregulation
    1. Temperature receptor
    2. Thermoregulatory centre (Brain)
    3. Effector (sweat glands/muscles)
  • Responses to hot and cold
    • Sweat
    • Vasodilation
    • Erectors relax
    • No sweat
    • Vasoconstriction
    • Erector muscles contract
    • Shiver
  • Endocrine glands
    • Pituitary
    • Thyroid
    • Ovaries
    • Adrenal
    • Testes
    • Pancreas
  • Hormones
    Chemical messengers, released by endocrine glands, travel in the blood and bind to target cell
  • Nerves
    Faster (impulses), short lasting effect, act in precise area
  • Hormones
    Slower (speed of blood), long lasting effect, act in general way
  • Controlling blood glucose
    1. Blood glucose high (ate a meal)
    2. Pancreas releases INSULIN
    3. Insulin travels to liver
    4. Liver: Glucose -> Glycogen
    5. Blood Glucose
    6. Blood glucose low (fasting or exercise)
    7. Pancreas releases GLUCAGON
    8. Glucagon travels to Liver
    9. Liver: Glycogen -> Glucose
    10. Blood glucose
  • Glycogen
    Storage form of glucose, found in Liver and Skeletal muscle
  • Type 1 diabetes

    Born with, pancreas does not produce insulin
  • Type 2 diabetes
    Obesity, liver becomes resistant to insulin
  • Kidneys filter the blood
  • Substances filtered out in urine
    • Urea
    • Ions
    • Water
  • Urea
    Body can't store excess amino acids, produced from deamination in the liver
  • Ions
    Gained from food and drink, need to maintain balance, excess removed by sweat and urine
  • Water
    Lost through breathing, sweat and urine, needs to be in balance
  • Water controlled by ADH
    1. Too much water: Receptor in brain detects, co-ordination centre co-ordinates response, P.gland releases less ADH, more urine
    2. Too little water: Receptor in brain detects, co-ordination centre co-ordinates response, P.gland releases more ADH, less urine
  • Level of ions and water won't be controlled, death!