Tiny Spheres -uncharged -each element has its own sphere
J.J Thompson
Plum Pudding, Discovered e- can be removed from atoms, Positive sphere with random areas of negative charge (e-)
Nuclear model, Shot α at gold foil, Expected: α to pass with slight deflection, Observed: most passed through, some large deflection, Concluded: most of atom empty space, nucleus (+) centre
Niels Bohr
+ Shells, Electrons orbit nucleus from fixed energy levels
James Chadwick
Discovered Neutrons
Radioactive decay
Unstable isotopes release radiation in order to stabilise
Type Of Radiation
α = (2p + 2n) / He
β-= electron
γ = EM wave
Strong, Weak, Stopped by Paper
Medium, Medium, Stopped by Aluminium
Weak, Strong, Stopped by Lead/Concrete
Writing nuclear equations
1. Gamma rays are also released sometimes as a side product
2. New proton number = New element
3. During (a) decay: 2P + 2N are released from nucleus
4. During (b) decay: N -> P + e-
5. Gamma decay does not change anything atomic/mass stay the same
Nuclear processes
Alpha decay
Beta decay
The amount of time it takes for half the radioactive nuclei to decay
Count rate
Measured in Becquerels (Bq) using a Geiger-Muller tube
Short half life
Faster decay = lots of radiation released = more dangerous
÷ 2H = END
Background radiation
Cosmic rays – solar radiation (PILOTS^ Risk)
Nuclear fallout/Nuclear waste
Radioactive rocks in mountains
Radiation dose
Your RISK of harm from radiation, affected by: Where you live and what job you do (pilots^, radiographer^ dose)
Object near but not touching radiation
Radioactive atoms ON the object
Avoiding radiation
1. Lead boxes, Barriers, remote arms
2. Wear suits, gloves, tongs
3. Avoid Beta/Gamma outside body
4. Avoid Alpha inside body
Gamma sources
Medical Tracer (I123 – Thyroid gland)
Gamma radiation
Radioactive isotopes injected into patient, Gamma radiation released and penetrates out of the body from source, Followed by a detector
Pros: Targeted to kill cancer cells
Cons: High doses – radiation sickness
Nuclear fission
Large nucleus absorbs neutron, Becomes unstable, Splits into smaller nuclei + neutron, Chain reaction
Nuclear fusion
Small nuclei join to create larger one, H + H = He, Lots of energy given out
Nuclear fission
Energy released as gamma rays: Heat water -> steam -> turbine
Nuclear fusion
More energy released than fission, But requires very high temp/pressure
Controlling nuclear reactions
Control rods absorb neutrons to control the rate of chain reaction
Half Life
The amount of time it takes for half the radioactive nuclei to decay