Driving test 2

Cards (50)

  • This Publication serves as the "Highway Code Booklet of the Bahamas"
  • The Highway Code explains how to use our roads safely and efficiently
  • Rules
    Part of the traffic laws, if you disobey them you are committing an offence and you may be fined, disqualified from driving and even sent to prison
  • Advice
    Recommendations on how to use the roads safely and efficiently
  • Road users
    • Pedestrians
    • Passengers
    • Cyclists
    • Motorcyclists
    • Drivers
  • The Highway Code groups the rules and advice according to the type of road user
  • Driver
    Any person who drives a motor vehicle or other vehicle (including a cycle)
  • Passenger
    A traveller in a public or private conveyance
  • Give way
    A driver must not continue if to do so would force the drivers of other vehicles to change speed or direction quickly
  • Lane
    Part of a road which has been marked out for use by one moving line of vehicles
  • Pedestrian crossing
    Part of a road which is painted with white stripes – also known as a "zebra crossing"
  • Road user
    Anyone travelling, or present on a road, or in a vehicle on a road
  • Traffic
    Moving vehicles
  • Traffic Island
    A raised area over which vehicles may not pass, placed at a street junction, or between opposing traffic lanes
  • Vehicle
    Any machine propelled along the road by any power, and includes pedal cycles, hand carts, and animal-drawn carts
  • Motor Vehicle
    Any vehicle driven solely or partly by mechanical means
  • General advice for all road users
    • Be fit and well
    • Be responsible
    • Concentrate
    • Be calm and patient
    • Be helpful to others
    • Protect the vulnerable
  • You should not damage the roads and side walks
  • Things you should not do to damage the roads and side walks
    • Remove road signs or obscure them with posters
    • Dig up the road or side walk without permission
    • Overload your vehicle
    • Use a tracked vehicle
    • Spill diesel or oil on the road
    • Block the road drains
    • Spill concrete on the road
  • Things you should not do to block the road and side walk
    • Sit or stand in the road talking to others
    • Play in the road - or let children play in the road
    • Walk in the road when there is a side walk you could use
    • Hold demonstrations or celebrations without permission from the Police or without proper supervision
    • Leave rubbish, bricks or sand or other building material on the road
    • Sell goods on the road or side walk
    • Use the road for the repair of vehicles
    • Erect signs
  • The road is for movement - if you misuse it, block it or damage it, you could cause a crash - and someone could die
  • Follow the crossing code

    1. Find a safe place to cross
    2. Stop at the edge of the road
    3. Look all round for vehicles and listen
    4. When there are no vehicles near, walk straight across the road - but keep looking and listening
  • Allow time for vehicles to stop or change direction
  • Drivers have difficulty seeing what is behind them, so watch out when vehicles are reversing towards you
  • Crossing at a pedestrian crossing
    1. Give drivers plenty of time to see you and to stop before you start to cross
    2. Walk straight across, but keep looking both ways and listen
    3. If there are two lanes to cross and a car has stopped in the inside lane be extra careful of 'overtaking' cars in the outside lane
    4. If there is a traffic island in the middle of the crossing, wait on the island and follow the same rules before crossing the second half of the road
  • Amber
    Pedestrians must not cross the road
  • Steady green
    Pedestrians may cross with care
  • Flashing green
    Pedestrians must not start to cross as the amber signal is about to come on
  • Children do not realise how dangerous the road is
  • Younger children (especially under the age of 10) cannot judge vehicle speed and distance well enough to be able to cross the road safely
  • Children's safety depends on adults
  • Parents need to start the child's road safety education
  • Never let young children walk on the road or sidewalk alone
  • Children learn by example, so always use the Crossing Code when crossing the road with them
  • Pedestrians are very vulnerable road users and always come off worst if hit by a vehicle
  • You need to concentrate, think ahead, avoid dangerous situations when near traffic
  • How children should walk near traffic
    1. Walk on the road or sidewalk alone
    2. Walk between them and the traffic, and hold their hands firmly
    3. Use the Crossing Code when crossing the road
    4. Show them the safest routes to the shops, school and play areas
    5. Never let your children play on, or near the road
  • Crossing Code
    A set of rules for safely crossing the road
  • How to help the old and disabled cross the road
    1. Be prepared to help
    2. Use the Crossing Code to cross safely
  • Pedestrians
    • Very vulnerable road users
    • Always come off worst if hit by a vehicle