The whole region where buyers and sellers of a product are spread and there is such free competition that one price for the product prevails in the entire region
Market Competition
Rivalry among various sellers in the market
Pushes everyone involved to reach past their limits
Market Structures
The competitive environment in which buyers and sellers operate
Factors determining degree of competition in a market
Number and size of buyers and sellers
Similarity or type of products bought and sold
Degree of mobility of resources
Entry and exit of firms and input owners
Degree of knowledge of economic agents regarding prices, costs, demand and supply condition
Perfect Competition
Large number of small businesses selling the same type of product
Each seller has negligible impact on market price
Homogeneous product sold
Perfect mobility of resources
Easy entry and exit for businesses
Only one seller of a product with no close substitute
Full control of supply and price
Difficult or impossible entry for new businesses
Most unfavorable structure for consumers
Monopolistic Competition
Large number of businesses selling similar but differentiated products
Businesses can compete on price and product characteristics
Easy entry and exit of businesses
Market dominated by a small number of strategically interacting firms
Firms sell identical or very similar products
High degree of initial capital investment makes entry difficult
Firms still compete on price and product/service characteristics
Consumer Behavior
The study of consumers and the processes they use to choose, use (consume), and dispose of products and services, including consumers' emotional, mental, and behavioral responses
Factors affecting consumer behavior
Culture (general culture, sub-culture, social classes)
Social factors (groups, family, roles, status)
Personal factors (age, life cycle stage, occupation, economic circumstance)