Cards (47)

  • Liberal trade causes greater impoverishment to less developed countries
    Dependency Theory
  • European countries took control of land and raw materials to funnel wealth back to the West.
    Dependency Theory
  • Frames at looking global stratification on the basis of technological advancement
    Modernization theory
  • Spread of goods and technology between Americas and Europe
    World System Theory
  • Semi-periphery countries.
    World System Theory
  • Tension between tradition and technological change is the biggest barrier to growth
    Modernization Theory
  • Excessive reliance to colonizers.
    Dependency Theory
  • Core Countries
    World Systems Theory
  • Latin American Structuralist Approach
    Dependency Theory
  • Capitalist World Economy

    World System Theory 
  • Production becomes more about wants than needs.
    High Mass Consumption 
  • Societies that are structured around small local communities
    Traditional Stage
  • Diverse job opportunities
    Technological Maturity Stage 
  • All citizens have access to necessities
    High Mass Consumption 
  • Production done in family setting
    Traditional Stage
  • Basic schooling for everyone.
    Technological Maturity Stage 
  • Strict social hierarchy.
    Traditional Stage 
  • Chinese Dynasties  
    Traditional Stage 
  • Greater individualism takes hold and social status is more closely linked with material wealth.
    High Mass Consumption 
  • Who's countries are included in the Group of Eight
    United Kingdom
    United States
    European Union
  • When did Russia withdraw its spot from the G8?
  • A definition from the 1980s dividing the world into the wealthy north and the poor south.
    Brandt Line
  • Northern Hemisphere
    Rich, Industrialized Wealthy NationsDemocratic Capitalist Countries
  • Southern Hemisphere
    Poor, Agricultural Developing NationsNon-Democratic Countries
  • How much access do the southern people have to the world's income?
  • What country recommended new 25% tariffs on 50 billion dollars in Chinese goods Tuesday?
    United States
  • These are the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data; various means of communication
  • This type of media includes print media such as books, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, journals, pamphlets, fliers, broadsides, and billboards.
    Traditional/Old Media
  • This type of media includes telephones, computers, social media, mobile phones
    New Media
  • How many stages are there in the evolution of media?
  • In this stage of evolution, there were machines and tools to help perform tasks on mass.
    Pre-Industrial Age
  • In this stage of evolution, they are defined by mass production, broadcasting the rise of the nation-state, power, modern machines, and running water.
    Industrial Age
  • This stage of evolution began when electronic equipment, including computers, came into use.
    Electronic age
  • This stage of evolution started in 1970's with introduction of personalcomputer and subsequent technology

    Digital age
  • Pre- Industrial Age
    -Enhanced processing of language-Oral tradition as the basic ancestor of information and communication flow
    -Communication through writing symbols and drawing crude pictures
    -Symbolic impressions in clay and stone tablets; e.g. Code of Hammurabi
  • Industrial Age
    -Inventions with electricity-related experimentation
    -Active role of technology in communication and dissemination of information-Newspaper- access to news and information-Image recording and invention of photography
    -Existence of printing press
  • Electronic Age
    -Realization of the importance and relevance of Information as a commodity.
    -Development of fax machines and cellphones-faster way of transmitting messages.
    -Cable and satellite technologies
    -Development of the broadcast industry; expansion of radio and television
    -Portable gadgets like Walkman and Discman revolutionized the access to mass media
  • Digital Age
    -Refers to our current age; information is seen as a commodity-Evolution of personal computer- Apple, IBM Company, Windows
  • It measures the global power of cities using thecombination of six (6) criteria.
    Japanese Mori Foundation's Global Power City Index
  • What are the six criteria according to JMFGPCI
    -Economy-Research and Development-Cultural Interaction-Livability-Environment-Accessibility