The first nations and the settlers would trade each other for goods they couldn't each get
The Europeans brought diseases that had devastating affects on the indigenous /
The firstnations who were loyal to the Brits would fought againts the Americans.
At the end of the war the indigenous would return to their land only for it to be stolen by Americans and nogovernment helped then so they were pushed to Canada
First nationloyalist were pushed out of america into canada
2 types of solider loyalist. 1, are the regulars who were sent to fight for Britain and 2. were those who alreadylived in British North America and decided to fight.
The loyal soldiers wouldn't be able to live in america after the war as they would face hardships. So they had to move to British northamerica where they were promisedland, food and more.
Soldier loyalist were pulled into BNA by being promised stuff and pushed out by hate.
New Brunswick loyalist left the New york state in 1783. 30000 left because of the hate they would get and the were promised land in Canada and more.
Nova Scotia loyalist were the same as the New Brunswick. About 15000 came to Nova Scotia By boat and were also promised stuff.
Black loyalists who fought for the British were promisedfreedom. Many escaped and came to Britishnorthamerica After they lost they were scared losing of their freedom but they did not. Instead the were promised land and more but it would not be enough to support a living and many faced hardships and didn't stay
The underground railroad was a network of safehouses and routes that helped slaves escape to the north.
In 1793 the act to limitslavery was passed because of chloe cooley, but this only ment that slaves could not be brought into canada , and if your were a slave you could onlyescape after 25 years or be freed.
the first know enslaved African american in canada was Oliver de jeune
The american fugtive slave act happen in 1850 which required slaves to be returned to their owners even if they were free and escaped.
The woman in the BNA were not aloud to buy or own any property once they were married and everything they owned would go to their husbands until in 1882 a law passed giving equal rights to both married and unmarried woman.
The firstnations had very different views from the europeans but they still traded together.
the gradualCivilizationact1857 was an act that was an attempt to assimilate First Nations and it would happen by the goverment offering free land and the right to vote if they give up their Indian status.
Industrialisation started in Montreal were it off in the late 1840s becuase the st. lawrence river made it easy to power everything
Industrialisation used stem powered equipment that replaced many hand workshops.
They used boilers which were machines that would convert water to steam which ran many equipment
people who worked in these factories were poor people , they were paid very little and worked long hours. Many were new immigrants who had left their even worse homes. The rest were woman and children who were paid less then men
Industrialisation caused over populated cities as people came into the cities to do work and left their farmlands. But the city couldn't take care of everyone leaving everyone poor and starving.
Canada became Canada on July1st1867
To vote you had to be male and own property
Who would trade together
The firstnations and the settlers
The great migration happened in the 1830s-1840s and it was the migration of a lot of peopel from europe who came to british north america. But mostly the irish came because the great potato famine happened in ireland
Slavery was abolished on August 1st 1834
Land ownership
Europeans - Land owned by individuals and passed down through families, with right to fence off and prevent trespassing
Native Americans - Land ownership less defined and more temporary, with land free for everyone to use but not own
Property and trade
Europeans - Gaining status through owning many possessions and being rich
Native Americans - Gaining status through giving away possessions and being a source of riches for others, with more communal approach to property and trade
Gender roles

Europeans - Men as heads of household and in charge of outdoor labor, women with fewer rights
Native Americans - Men hunting, fishing and conducting warfare, women doing farming, with women having more freedom and rights

Europeans - Exclusive worship of Christian God
Native Americans - Belief in one great creator and nature spirits, willing to include European religious figures in their pantheon
Differences in cultural ideas
Led to misunderstandings and even violence between Europeans and Native Americans
Despite differences, Europeans and Native Americans adopted useful aspects of each other's culture over time, especially in terms of trade</b>