GRASSROOTS FUNDRAISING is raising money from and by the constituency. Grassroots fundraising wins real victories on two levels.
GRASSROOTS FUND RAISING gives people a sense of their own power. Leaders and members are developed and encouraged when they raise funds to support the organization.
Solicit "seed" money from government agencies or foundation fund to support new project.
Funds are solicited from members as membership fees, dues, and contribution, and grassroots fundraising events.
Funds are solicited from fondations as additional source.
SET A GOAL. (how much is to be raised).
If your organization's goal is to raise money, you should figure out how to work with your leaders to raise the target money.
MAKE A FUNDRAISINGCALENDAR. Control the timing on what you raise funds for. Make a calendar of the fundraising campaign for times when your constituency has more money.
DANCE FOR A CAUSE. Sponsor a Ballroom Dance/Socialized Dancing/Dance Contest with tickets sold to all participants and sponsoring agencies where proceeds are intended to support projects/program, etc.
BINGO. A "Bingo Social" may be a potential source of funds for your organization. Bingo is tightly monitored by the government.
BABY CONTESTS. Conduct annual baby contests "A Human Dolls Parade." This contests are being sponsored by church or organization. "Votes" are sold at a certain amount. The baby who gets the most "votes" wins a fancy cup, valuable prizes, a cash prize, and a picture of the baby with his/her parents.
RUMMAGESALES. usually have no overhead cost, unless you set-up an ongoing thrift store. You make more money when you display items outside than inside your thrift store.
FLOWERS. around holidays, such as Christmas, Valentine, Mother's Day, and Graduation day, etc. as a way for fundraising.
ADS/ADBOOKS. Individuals, organizations, and businesses like to seetheir names in print. Because of this, you can sell adds or charge individuals money to be listed in a booklet/souvenir program that will be distributed to people.
DINNER. Usually a "Dinner-for-a-Cause" is enjoyable as good source of funds especially when the food and cooking are donated. Raffle draws and ad books can also add income to the sponsoring organization.
BENEFIT CONCERTS AND PERFORMANCES. If performers can perform for free and the use of the hall is for free, benefit performances are usually good fundraisers.
PHONE-A-THONS. Many organizations have found that regular solicitation of their memberships by phone is their best source of membership-related fundraising.
SONGS. Consider asking a community or choir to volunteer to sing songs to people for Valentine's Day or Christmas celebration.
FOOD AND WINE TASTINGS. Organize food and wine tasting events in conjunction with neighborhood restaurants. People pay to try small samples of food.
RAFFLE DRAWS. Consider holding a (blank) in conjunction with other events, banquets or programs as an extra money maker.
ASK AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY. This is the easiest idea. Ask money from the members every meeting.
Religious groups do the best grassroots fund raising. Religious groups have so many guidelines for their fundraising campaign. Learn how to do it from them.
RAISE MORE MONEY THAN YOU SPEND. Make big money by selling such things with a large number of willing sellers. Spend less for your capital investment, cheaper but with good quaity products.
DO NOT TRY RISKY VENTURES REQUIRING BIG INVESTMENT. Stick to a project that seems like a sure thing and that calls for small investment, especially the first time. invest more if the products are saleable.
RAISE MONEY FOR YOUR ISSUE PROGRAM. It is easier to raise money to support a campaign for community development projects/program as your issue program.
HAVE FUN. Lots of projects will raise money. Let people use their own creativity in fun planning and implementing the event. This will attract more people to get involved in the fundraising campaign.
BUILD ON PAST SUCCESSFUL EVENTS. Once you identify a fundraising project that works, repeat it annually. Not only do you learn how to host or handle the project more efficiently, but the group is identified with that annual event, thus making it easier to promote.
STAY IN LINE WITH YOUR IMAGE. A health organization cannot be selling junk food, nor can a Clean Air group sell cigarettes. Grassroots fundraising is part of your program and it must therefore meet the same high standards as your program.
MAINTAIN HIGH ETHICAL STANDARD. It is essential that the organization remains rigorously honest in all its fundraising activities and accountable to its constituents.
BUILD LEADERS. Grassroots fundraising should not only raise money, it should also develop leaders to chair or co-chair the fundraising campaign.
BUDGET MONEY TO RAISE MONEY. It is quite difficult to raise money without beginning with some. Budget some money. Start with a "seed" money to initially finance the fundraising campaign.
DEVOTE ORGANIZATIONAL TIME TO FUNDRAISING. Grassroots fundraising requires excellent leadership skills. Look for someone who will spearhead and devote his/her time and assume responsibility to chair the fundraising project.
ASK PERSONALLY AND PUBLICLY. Many congregations have a committee of people to discuss how they can personally or publicly support the fundraising project. This is either to "pledge" or encourage to tithe (set aside a tenth of your income) for donation.
ORGANIZE FUNDRAISING COMMITTEES. The committee does the planning to raise the money. The more committees, one for bingo, one for thrift store, and so forth, the more donations you get.
INSTILL THE EXPECTATION OF GIVING. Everyone who joins a religious group expects to contribute to it. The value of giving is instilled with membership. Instill this value in your members.
ASK VOLUNTEERS. Too many organizers want to separate volunteers from givers. They say volunteers should not be asked to donate since they have already given much of the time and effort to help.
ASK FREQUENTLY. Most religious groups ask at least 52 times per year, and no one gets upset. Make sure that people are asked to contribute everytime you have a public meeting. Most people can, and will, give regularly if asked.