ch5.1 blood clotting

Cards (4)

    1. Vasoconstrict:
    • muscles in walls of small arteries that have been injured constrict immediately to reduce blood flow and blood loss
  • 2. Platelet plug
    • platelets stick to the rough surface; sticking platelets attract others
    • plug is built up, reduces blood loss
    • platelets release vasoconstrictors - enhance constriction of damaged vessels
  • 3. Coagulation
    • large number of chemical substances (clotting factors) involved
    • formation of threads of an insoluble protein (fibrin) forms a mesh
    • called 'thrombus'
  • 4. Clot retraction
    • network of threads contracts, becoming denser and stronger - pulls edges of damaged vessel together
    • fluid known as 'serum' is squeezed out
    • clot dries - forms scab