Almost 75-80% is produced from the tissue deiodination of T4
The principal application of this hormone is in diagnosing T3 thyrotoxicosis
A better indicator of recovery from hyperthyroidism as well as the recognition of recurrence of recurrence of hyperthyroidism - it is helpful in confirming the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, especially in patients with no or minimally elevated T4
An increase in the plasma level of T3 is the first abnormality seen in cases of hyperthyroidism
It is the most common cause of primary hypothyroidism
It is characterized by a thyroid replaced by a nest of lymphoid tissue-sensitized T lymphocytes/autoantibodies bind to cell membrane causing cell lysis and inflammatory reaction
It is associated with enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter)
The best method for detecting clinically significant thyroid disfunction
It is the most clinically sensitive assay for the detection of primary thyroid disorders
It helps in the early detection of hypothyroidism
It is used to differentiate primary hypothyroidism from secondary hypothyroidism
It is used to monitor and adjust tryroid hormone replacement therapy
The sensitivity of the third generation TSH assay has led to the ability to detect what is termed as subclinical disease-or a mild degree of thyroid dysfunction (due to large reciprocal change in TSH levels seen for even small changes in FT4)
Normally used as a postoperative marker of thyroid cancer
It is used in monitoring the course of metastatic or recurrence of thyroid cancer (a well differentiated tumor typically displays a 10-fold increase in Tg in response to a high TSH)
When measuring Tg as a tumor marker for thyroid cancer, always check simultaneous sample for thyroglobulin antibodies
Differentiates subecule thyroidits (increased Tg) from thyrotoxicosis factitia (decreased Tg)
Secretory and produce thyroxine - T4 and triiodothyronine - T3, FT3, FT4
Each follicle is in the shape of a sphere that surrounds a viscous substance called colloid. The major component of colloid is the Thyroglobulin, which is rich in tyrosine
Thyroid Hormone
There is more T4 than T3 in serum, but T3 is more potent and significant physiologically
About 80% of circulating T3 is formed following monodeiodination of T4 in peripheral tissues
Thyroid hormones are almost completely protein bound
Hyperthyroidism - Grave's disease
Diffuse toxic goiter
Most common cause of thyrotoxicosis
An autoimmune disease in which antibodies are produced to activate the TSH receptor
It occurs 6x more commonly in women than in man
Features: exophthalmos (bulging eyes) and pritibial myxedema
Hyperthyroidism - Riedel's thyroiditis
The thyroid turns into a woody or stony-hard mass
Hypothyroidism - Congenital Hypothyroidism
Also known as cretinism
It is a defect in the development or function of the gland defective from birth
Symptoms: physical and mental development of the child are retarded
Screening test T4 (decreased)
Confirmatory test: TSH (increased)
Primary Hypothyroidism
Primarily due to deficiency of elemental lodine
T3 and T4 are decreased while TSH is increased
It is also caused by destruction or ablation of the thyroid gland
Other causes: surgical removal of the gland, use of radioactive iodine for hyperthyroidism, radiation exposure, drugs such as lithium
Hypothyroidism - Myxedema
it describes the peculiar nonpitting swelling of the skin
the skin becomes infiltrated by mucopolysaccharides
Clinical features: "puffy" face, weight gain, slow speech, eyebrows thinned, dry and yellow skin, anemia
myxedema coma - severe form of primary hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism - Secondary Hypothyroidism
due to pituitary destruction or pituitary adenoma
Lab result: T3 and T4 levels are low, TSH is also decreased