lymphatic system = a system of vessels that drain excess fluid from the tissues; an important part of body's internal defence against disease-causing organisms
consists of:
lymph capillaries joined to larger lymph vessels
lymph nodes
lymph vessels return excess tissue fluid to the blood
lymph is the clearish fluid transported through lymph vessels
lymph vessels are blind ended tubes meaning lymph does not circulate
lymph vessels join to form 2 lymph ducts that empty lymph into large vein
lymph is moved by smooth and skeletal muscle + valves
lymph nodes occur at intervals along lymphatic vessels and are surrounded by connective tissue forming a framework of:
lymphoid tissue
plasma cells
lymph can contain cell debris, foreign particles + mircoorganisms
larger particles are trapped in network fibres and destroyed by phagocytic cells called macrophages
when infections occur lymph nodes swell up due to increase in production of lymphocytes