- Goals can alignemployeeefforts with achievingbusinessobjectives
- Employees may be moremotivated to completetasks if goalsalign with theirpersonalinterests
Locke and Lathams Goal Setting theory disadvantages
-The process of settinggoals and providingfeedback to eachemployee can be time-consuming for management.
-Employees may becomestressed and demotivated if they have toomanygoalsatonce.
Maslow's Hierarchy of needs and four drive theory similarities
-Boththeoriesfocus on motivatingemployeesholistically, through addressing their physical, social, and emotionaldesires.
-Boththeoriessuggest that employees are motivated by adesire to improve their knowledge and skills through self-actualisationneeds and the drivetolearn.
Hierarchy of needs and four drive theory difference
-Maslow'sHierarchyofNeedsmust be met in sequentialorder, whereas the Four Drive Theorysuggestsanydrivemay be relevant to an employee in noparticularorder.
-The HierarchyofNeedsstates that employees are motivated to fulfilonlyoneneedat a time, whereas the FourDriveTheorystates that all needs can driveemployeebehavioursimultaneously.
Similarities between Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Locke and Latham's Goal Setting Theory
-Boththeoriesrecognise that personal gain is a factor that can motivateemployees.Esteemneeds can be satisfied by providingjobs with higherstatus to employees, whilst goalsfulfilling the commitmentprincipleconsider the personalobjectives of employees.
-Boththeoriesemphasizemotivating through intrinsicfactors. As esteem and self-actualisation are also considered to be intrinsicmotivators.
differences between Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Locke and Latham's Goal Setting Theory
-Maslow'sHierarchy of Needsfocuses on fulfillingoneneedat a time in sequentialorder, GoalSettingTheoryrequiresallprinciples to be incorporatedsimultaneously to motivate an employee
- TheGoalSettingTheory involves employee input, whereas Maslow'shierarchyofneeds is applied by a manageralone
Similarities between Lawrence and Nohria's Four Drive Theory and Locke and Latham's Goal Setting Theory
-Boththeoriesfocus on how employers can improve the motivation of employees.
-Boththeoriespropose that feedback and regular progress reviews are beneficial and helpbuildstrongrelationships.
differences between Lawrence and Nohria's Four Drive Theory and Locke and Latham's Goal Setting Theory
-TheGoalSettingTheory involves employee input, whereas the FourDriveTheory is applied by a manageralone
-The GoalSettingTheoryrequires a manager to addresseachemployeeindividually, which is notnecessary when applying the Four Drive Theory
On-the-job training
involves employeesimproving their knowledge and skillswithin the workplace.
characteristics: having a seniorstaffmemberact as a mentor who provides the employees with advice on howtoperformatask
Advantages of on-the-job training
-Employees can perform their role while training, minimisinglosses to productivity
-Trainingemployeesinternally is oftenlessexpensive than performingtrainingexternally, as there are notravelcosts
disadvantages of on-the-job training
-The businessmaylack the amount of experiencedstaffrequired to trainemployees
-Employees may learnbad habits from beingtrained by existingstaff.
Off-the-job training
involves employeesimproving their knowledge and skills in a location external to the business.
characteristic: attendingconferences that providetheoretical knowledge to employees.
Advantages of off-the-job training
-An employee'semployability may improve if they receivequalifications or accreditations.
-Receivingtraining from professionals can enableemployees to gainnewperspectives on how to perform their roles to a higherstandard.
disadvantages of off-the-job training
-Traveltimesassociated with offsitetraining may be long.
-Paying external organisations to train employees may be expensive
Performance-related pay as a motivation strategy
is a financialreward that employeesreceive for reaching a setbusinessgoal.
characteristics: a payrise, bonus
Advantages of performance-related pay as a motivation strategy
-Employeegoals can be directly and indirectlyaligned with businessobjectivesthroughremuneration.
-Employees can be motivated quickly through the incentive of financialrewards
Disadvantages of performance-related pay as a motivation strategy
- Employees can be become very competitive and which can causeconflict
- Employees may losefocus on broaderbusinessobjectives.
Performance- related pay as a motivation strategy short term
Employees may be motivated to improveperformancequickly in order to gainfinancialrewards.
Performance- related pay as a motivation strategy long term
When there is a history of reward and recognition for high-performingemployeeswithin the business, employees are morelikely to be motivated by the expectation that they will receiverewards in the future.
Career advancement as a motivation strategy
the upwardsprogression of an employee'sjob position.
characteristic: ensuringemployees are aware of anypromotion criteria.
Advantages of career advancement as a motivation strategy
-Employees may feelmorevalued by the business when promoted, improving their overallmorale.
-Promotingemployees from within the business can be cheaper than recruitingnewemployees.
Career advancement as a motivation strategy short term
Employees may be rapidlymotivated if they are taking on moreresponsibility in the workplace. .
disadvantages of career advancement as a motivation strategy
-Negative corporate culture may develop if employeesbegin to focussolely on careeradvancement.
-Employees may be demotivated if they areoverlooked for a promotion
Career advancement as a motivation strategy long term
Employees may be motivated by ongoingopportunities to be promoted or take on additionalresponsibilities.
Investment in training as a motivation strategy
is allocating resources to improveemployeeskills and knowledge.
Characteristic: On-the-job and off-the-jobtraining
Advantages of investment in training as a motivation strategy
-The skills and knowledgegained from training may assistemployees to completetasksquicker.
-Employees may experienceimprovedjobsatisfaction as they canperform their rolesbetter.
disadvantages of investment in training as a motivation strategy
-Training programs can be costly for a business
-Training employees is timeconsuming and can delay the completion of work tasks.
Investment in training as a motivation strategy short term
Employees may be motivated in the shortterm by the opportunity to learnnew skills