Takes place every summer in the southeastern section of Sado, the Kodo Taiko group, formed 25 years ago, is responsible for the incessant pounding of countless booming taiko drums, taiko drums give of a deep booming resonance, traditionally they are beaten to drive away evil spirits, in war they were used to give orders and quicken the blood of warriors, Kodo village is the place where aspiring apprentices learn their trade for two years, during this time they maintain a strict regimen of diet, exercise, practice and work designed to improve themselves physically, musically, and spiritually, they also grow their own rice and other foods at the village using traditional farming methods, every summer Kodo hosts earth celebration, a 3 days outdoor concert where they present musical collaborations with a guest group, the first night Kodo plays, the second night the guest group plays for most of the evening being joined by some of the members of Kodo towards the end, the third night is a mix of both groups, although photography and filming are discouraged, dancing is highly encouraged