Cards (32)

  • Social Dimension in sports give benefits to the players building good relationship among co-players.
  • William G. Morgan invented volleyball.
  • Elwood S. Brown brought volleyball to Philippines
  • Alberto "Beto" Perez accidentally discovered Zumba dance.
  • Spiritual dimension is not developed by sports.
  • 25 rally points is needed to be able to win in the game volleyball.
  • Badminton is a game that is believed to have originated from the game "poona".
  • Volleyball is a team sport played with six players in each side of the court with a 9x18 meters dimension.
  • Singles, Doubles, and Mixed Doubles are the most common form in playing badminton.
  • The game that was first known as "Mintonette" was volleyball.
  • Volleyball is an active recreational activity which sends the ball over the net and avoid from grounding it into your own court.
  • 21 rally points is needed to be able to win in Badminton.
  • Smashing isn't a basic skill in volleyball.
  • 1964 is the year that the game volleyball had its first Summer Olympics exposure as a medal sport.
  • In year 1992 Barcelona Olympics, the badminton game became an Olympic sport with singles and doubles events.
  • The badminton game require skills in service, strokes in hitting the shuttle such as smash, drop, lob or clear and net shorts, and power of the leg in footwork.
  • William G. Morgan invented volleyball in 1895 at Holyoke Massachussetts.
  • Alfred Halstead suggested the name "Volleyball" due to the volleying characteristic of the game instead of calling it "Mintonette".
  • In year 1910 was when the game was brought to Philippines by Elwood S. Brown.
  • The Filipinos were credited in the changes of the game with the addition of the skill called, "spike or kill".
  • Volleyball players need skills like, service, volleying, setting, spiking, and blocking.
  • When players control their feelings during games, the emotional dimension is involved.
  • Playing with strategies and tactics involves the Intellectual dimension.
  • Dance is another indoor alternative recreation for those who enjoy the best of rhythm and movement.
  • Zumba dance is an alternative indoor recreational activity with fitness benefit claims.
  • Alberto "Beto" Perez is a celebrity fitness trainor of Colombia in the mid 90's.
  • Chess is a recreational and competitive bard game played between two players.
  • Chess is sometimes called "Western" or "International Chess" to distinguish it from related games such as xuangqi.
  • Chess: Played on a square chessboard wit 64 square arranged in an eight-by-eight grid.
  • Chess: The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king.
  • Magus Carlsen is the current World Champion in chess.
  • In 1997, Deep Blue became the first computer to beat the reigning World Champion in a math when it defeated Garry Kasparov.