That of applied science which deals with the application of geology for a safe, stable and economic design and construction of a civil engineering project
Engineering geology
It provides information to engineering through description of the structure and attributes of rocks connected with engineering work
It identifies and evaluates natural hazards like landslides and earthquakes that may affect the success of an engineering project
The engineeringgeologist is charged with the responsibility of interpreting the geologic data and providing a conceptual model representing the morphology and engineering-geologic classification of each rock unit
Soil mechanics
The study of the engineering mechanics and physical properties of soil
Geotechnical engineering
The application of civil engineering technology to the aspects of earth, which may include both soil and rock
Geotechnical engineering
It combines the knowledge of geology, soil mechanics, rock mechanics and structural engineering to design and construct foundations or similarly related structures for civil engineering and other construction
It is the most empirical discipline among other disciplines of civil engineering due to the unpredictable nature of the material it deals with (soil and rock)
Scope of geology in civil engineering
Engineering geology is essential
Application of geological knowledge in planning, designing and construction of big civil engineering projects
Enabling civil engineers to understand the engineering implications of geological conditions
Enabling geologists to understand the nature of the geological information that is absolutely essential for a safe design and construction of a civil engineering project
Major activities of civil engineers where the scope of geology can be studied
Water resources development
Town and regional planning
Main and allied branches of geology
Physical geology
Structural geology
Economic geology
Engineering geology
Mining geology
Physical geology
Deals with the different physical features of the earth, changes occurring on the earth surface, geological work of natural agents, and natural phenomena
Deals with the study of minerals, their mode of formation, composition, occurrence, types, association, properties and uses
Deals with the study of rocks, their mode of formation, structure, texture, composition, occurrence, and types
Structural geology
Deals with the deformations, dislocations and disturbances in rocks under the influence of tectonic forces, and the resulting geological structures like folds, faults, joints and unconformities
Deals with the study of the earth's history through the sedimentary rock record
Economic geology
Deals with the details of economic minerals, their mode of formation, occurrence, classification, association, varieties, concentration, properties, and uses
Engineering geology
Deals with the application of geological knowledge in the field of civil engineering, for execution of safe, stable and economic constructions
Mining geology
Deals with the application of geological knowledge in the field of mining, including mineral exploration, estimation and extraction
Deals with the study of physical properties like density and magnetism of the earth or its parts, and their application in solving civil engineering problems
Deals with the occurrence, movement and nature of groundwater in an area, and its application in groundwater investigations
Deals with the occurrence, distribution, abundance, mobility etc. of different elements in the earth's crust
The process of breaking down rocks by mechanical and chemical processes into smaller pieces
Factors affecting weathering
Length of time
Mechanical weathering
The physical breakdown of rock masses under the attack of certain atmospheric agents, like expansion and contraction due to temperature changes
Chemical weathering
The transformation of original rock minerals into new minerals by chemical reaction with atmospheric gases
Weathered products/Residual soils
Residual soils - soils formed by weathered products at their place of origin
Transported soils - soils produced by weathering of rocks transported by physical processes to other places, including glacial, alluvial, lacustrine, marine, aeolian, and colluvial soils
Organic soils - derived from the decomposition of organic materials
Wind erosion
The detachment, transportation and redeposition of soil particles by wind, caused by deflation (simple removal of loose particles) and abrasion (sand-blasting of larger rock structures)
Weathering of feldspar, ferromagnesians, and micas
Gives the plasticity property to soils
The movement of the atmosphere in a direction parallel to the earth surface
Wind erosion
The detachment, transportation and redeposition of soil particles by wind
Wind erosion processes
1. Deflation
2. Abrasion
Simple removal of the loose sand and dust sized particles from an area, by fast moving winds
The wind loaded with particles attains a considerable erosive power which helps in eroding the rock surfaces by rubbing and grinding actions
Types of Aeolian soil
Sand dunes
Sand dunes
Huge heaps of sand formed by the natural deposition of windblown sand
Sometimes of characteristics and recognizable shape
Can migrate from one place to another due to change in the direction and velocity of wind
Types of active dunes
Barchan dunes
Triangular in section with the steep side facing away from the wind direction and inclined at an angle of about 30° to 33° to the horizontal
The gently sloping side lies on the windward side, and makes an angle of about 10 to 15° with the horizontal
Similar to barchans in section but in plan it is not curved like barchans such that its longer axis is broadly transverse to the direction of the prevailing winds
Longitudinal dunes
Elongated ridges of sand with their longer axis broadly parallel to the direction of the prevailing wind
A fine grained Aeolian soil characterized by its nearly uniform grain size, predominantly silt, and by its low density
Highwaycuts through loess deposits usually resemble those made in rock in that this soil will stand on a nearly vertical slope, whereas it is readily eroded by rain water if flatter slopes are used
If an engineer is compelled to select sites with moving dunes, special methods should be adopted to check the motion of the moving dunes, such as constructing windbreaks or growing vegetation on the surrounding areas